Blog Archive

Monday, June 30, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 9

Hola Gringos!

Dang is it summer in the states? I think its summer here all the time. I got sunburned today playing soccer! We had another zone soccer game this morning and it was so much fun beating the latinos. Thats a lie, they killed us. But hey I still got to wear a jersey and look cool and thats also important. 

Well I am really loving this mission, I feel like I learn so much everyday and I'm just loving having all these new experiences! I love the spanish language and speaking to these awesome people of Honduras. 

So it was awesome to hear about Alyson's farewell and how the whole family was together! Reminded me of mine and I remember being so scared and nervous but that is the opposite of Alyson and I know she did awesome! Alyson is the definition of confidence and I know she is going to be an AWESOME missionary! The people are going to feel her spirit so strongly and I'm so excited for her! ( I'm also jealous because she doesn't have to learn a new language). 

The area president for my mission came this last week and him and his wife gave a talk to all the 210 missionaries in San Pedro. It was such a great talk about faith and I learned alot! And after it was the best because all my CCM friends were there! It was awesome to hang out with Elder Porter again since the CCM and we went to lunch after to McDonalds but shhhhhh don't tell my mom because she doesn't want me eating "unhealthy." They also have a normal food store there in San Pedro so we bought some stuff to make regular meals and that's been really nice haha!

One day we were walking out of our neighborhood and we met a woman named Isis. We had an appointment with her and got to know her more and to give her the lesson one pamphlet to read for our next lesson. Isis is a doctor and is 25 and is just a prime investigator. So for our next appointment we start and ask her if she had time to read the pamphlet we gave her. Well first you got to understand we ask this every single time and not once has anyone said yes. And to my amazement she said yes! She sat right in front of me not even holding the pamphlet and proceeded to teach me, Literally teach me, page by page of the pamphlet for the next 12 minutes starting from Heavenly Father to prophets to the life of Jesus to the great apostasy to Joseph Smith and the Priesthood to the Book of Mormon. I dont know if you can understand this but to a missionary it was probably the best thing of my life. When she was talking I found myself with my mouth wideeee open with a huge grin just amazed by what was happening. I whispered to my comp when she went up to get water, "hey, uhhh does this ever happen?" and his response, "I've been here for a year and no one has ever read the pamphlet before´." When she was done teaching to us word for word our lesson my comp simply took off his name tag and handed it to her and said thank you sister missionary. hahaha it was the funniest thing ever! But after that we answered all of her questions and went more into the Book of Mormon and the spirit was super strong and I just love people that actually want to learn. I hope she continues to progress so please pray for me to not mess up my spanish when I'm talking to her haha

Also I just wanted to say sorry for all my spelling mistakes in my letters, They don't have spell check and learning spanish is messing up my english haha! I hope my mother is correcting my mistakes! (Danette: Sometimes I feel like we are back in High School editing his English papers. I do leave some grammar and spelling typos just to give the letter some authenticity haha)

Well I love you guys and I hope you have a good week! Send me candy! ;)

Elder Sessions

Nothing is worse than just getting in bed and then realizing....Hey! I don't have any clean clothes for tomorrow....and having to get up and clean haha

Our investigator "Dave" for when Duff and I do practices in the morning during study haha

Me chopping the neighbors grass looking like a Nephite
Duff holding our favorite Raccoon! 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 8


This week has been great in Honduras! My new comp Elder Duff is a champ and I am learning so much from him! He really cares for the people and he gets stuff done and its the best. He's really big into doing service which I think every missionary should try harder to do. Elder Duff is constantly looking to help other people and be an example and I'm learning a ton. Also, unlike Elder Rios, Elder Duff likes to eat! Which is great because I really like to eat too haha. We actually went to the store and bought food.....ya I'm not lying...for the first time in my mission I have had food in my house. Elder Rios would save his money and I didn't really understand that I could by food haha But ya its been nice coming home and being able to make a meal and not go to bed hungry. Hurray for gringo comps!

I guess I can update a little bit on the Spanish. I usually understand everything people say which has been really nice but its the talking back part that needs the work. Forming sentences is just a challenge because nothing directly translates from English but its getting better and I know that the Lord is helping me everyday

I'm so glad I'm in an area pretty close to San Pedro because we see the mission President all the time and i just love him! He is so tuned into the Spirit and he's so nice! I'm jealous of the guys in the office that get to talk to him everyday. But I'm also mad at the guys in the office because they haven't brought me my fan yet. And they haven't brought the bug killer guy to spray our house down. Our house is infested with ants its like something you see in a horror film. Honduras is just the best haha

Learning to make these delish taco things that are very unhealthy but delish!


Ernesto is leaving to the states for a year and it was sad because that family is awesome!

This is the first full week with Elder Duff and we set some awesome goals and I was super excited. But the FIFA world cup started and honduras actually made it in the cup. So two nights this week we had to be back in our house at 4 because its so crazy on the streets. We could tell when honduras scored because it got soooo loud it was just crazy. So we lost alot of hours those days and then 2 other nights it rained so hard that the lights when out and its a rule in the mission that we have to be home if its dark with no light. So that messed up all of our goals.

But even tho the week just got all messed up, we had a great experience with a new family we met. So this is the kind family that I pray for every day to meet. This family, Garcia, has been prepared by the Lord and is really ready for our message. During our first visit they opened up so much and we all felt the spirit a ton. The mother said that for 20 years she never felt the need for God in her life until she met us. And the oldest daughter actually has been praying so that she could get closer to God. The whole family has been having trials lately and I love helping them feel the spirit and letting them know the Lord can help them through anything. They are so attentive during our lessons and  they have the best questions--- man I could just talk about them for hours!

I'm loving it here and I love teaching this gospel! I know the church is true and love all of you so much!

Elder Sessions

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 7


This week has straight up been one for the books! Crazy/Best week ever! But first I want to start off with something that was in every email from you guys that I opened up today... .....yes I have lost a FEW pounds...yes I how fat was I before? Geeze.....I mean I walk all day in 100 degrees ok? haha everyone in the mission too, when they see me, are always like "wow Sessions you are so skinny now!" uhhh hey i was skinny before too pal. I just think I lost all my muscle...ya let's go with that. 

Anywayssss this last week was changes and I made a ton of goals for my next 6 weeks with Elder Rios. Langauge goals mostly and also making sure I knew all the members and less actives and every part of my area so when Rios leaves I can remember everything. But I guess the Lord did not have my same goals because Elder Rios had a change! It really shocked us because usually you have your trainer for two changes but a couple other people that came with me had changes too. I was freaking out. I had to show my next comp all around and introduce him to everyone. I kept worrying if he could only speak Spanish and how hard that would be to explain everything and everyone. And I was also sad to leave Elder Rios. He might of been a crazy little Mexican but he was my crazy little Mexican haha He taught me a ton and I am so thankful for him. Well the day comes and they call my name to stand to get my new comp and they say his name,"Elder Duff". If you can't tell, that's a GRINGO name! Ya baby I got a white comp! My prayers have been answered! But Elder Duff isn't just any gringo, he is seriously the best comp ever! I knew about him before I even met him because everyone talks about him and how awesome he is and it's so true. We get along so well and he teaches me so much! This week I have just been so happy. 

Elder Duff and Elder Sessions

Goodbye hugs from Elder Rios

There are four of us for our one branch and all 3 are new except me....and I've only been here for one change and its so hard because they all rely on me to know peoples names and where they live and where things are when its not even in my area sometimes. That's been a struggle but its getting better! The Lord has been helping me a tonnnnn.

Well we had our zone ping pong tournament......after a lot of tears and a lot of sweat, I was able to take first place and take home the trophy! ( a gatorade and a package of cookies). It was so much fun and there were a lot of close games! I love the Elders in my zone!

So when the other elders packed up and left they didn't clean at all and left so much old things they didn't want or old clothes and stuff like that. So we burned ALL of it and it was great. I hope some of it wasn't important haha!

Man I love you guys so much! Remember to be a member missionary! You guys are all great examples to me and are a huge strength for me out here. I want to hear about everyone's week ok? Love ya!

Elder Sessions

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 6


Wow I finished my first change in the mission! I thought i was suppose to know spanish by now? Elder Marrero who lives in my house is getting changed and its sad because we have become great friends and he helps me a lot with everything. Its been a fast 6 weeks! We went into San Pedro a lot this week for meetings and other things and that was cool to see the city and normal things haha. This dentist company from the states came to San Pedro to help people that cant afford dental care and they are members and they said if any missionaries had problems with their teeth that they would help them. It was so funny because all the gringo elders didn't have any problems with their teeth so we all sat outside waiting for all the latinos and it was fun meeting new people and speaking english haha.

So alot of the little kids here don't wear any clothes and its understandable because its a thousand degrees. Well during one of our lessons a mom was holding her 2 year old boy, who was naked, in her lap and when I was talking all of the sudden he gets down and walks over to me, pees for a solid 10 seconds right in front of my feet then climbs back onto his moms lap. Not a word was said about it. I guess when you have to go you have to go?

The power in honduras has been crazyyyyy this week. Everyday is has been going out for hours at the worst times. At nights its the worst. If it goes out when I'm sleeping i just hop in the shower then lay in my bed all wet haha. It's the only way to fall asleep.

This last sunday it was raining and in honduras that means no church for some reason. Afterwards we would visit the people that didn't come and they would just say it was raining... I couldnt come! And then i point at their umbrella and they just dont say anything haha. The other elders say its always like this. Its loco here! Church starts at 9 and at 9:10 about 5 people were here when usually 120 come!

One of our part member families had a birthday!

I cant wait to be in an area where we get a lady to clean our clothes haha! I washed for about 2 and a half hours this morning and didn't even finish because the other elders needed to wash. I woke up earlier to do it because its easier when the sun is cooking your back. But hey its a good work out hahaI I have lost sooo much weight everyone calls me skinny white boy! I had to make another hole in my belt :/

So the church has 2 sets of keys and its so funny because not one person has them all the time... like just random members will have them for some reason and we always have to go pick them up before we go to the church building. And only one set of the keys has the bishops key to his office. Well last Sunday we didn't have his key and he needed to get in his office so we made a ladder out of desks and he climbed into the ceiling and came down the other end into his office! I dont think I have ever laughed so hard in my life! He kept saying in english, "i have a power" "Don't worry" but his accent sounded like a chinese man with a high voice! It was so great haha

During our lessons there are always distractions that take away from the spirit and the people don't understand this so its so hard sometimes because they think we just want to talk or chill. But the lessons we have when its just quiet and they are just paying attention to us, go so great and those are the ones the the spirit can touch their hearts. I'm so grateful for the power of the spirit and how it can change peoples lives because I know it has changed mine! I love being a missionary and I hope you guys love being member missionaries! Love you guys!
-Elder Sessions

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 5

Jarom with the "Crazy Racoon"


It has been a superrr fast week! And my Spanish isnt keeping up! But we are teaching a lot of new investigators! Its just so hard sometimes because no one here keeps commitments... like coming to church or reading the book of mormon or praying. They have faith in Jesus but they never will do anything about it! We were suppose to have 2 baptisms yesterday but they both just didn't show up and they wouldn't answer their phones. Afterwards we went by their house´s and they were just sleeping or they forgot. ( even tho we told them a couple hours ago). I dont know it just hard sometimes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints isn't like other churches. Its a different way of living life and most of the people here don't understand that.

So how has this week been with working with the missionaries? I would love to hear about it! Also if you feed them make sure you don't give them too much because maybe they just ate at another house before ok? thanks haha!! You guys will speed the work of the Lord so much if you help the missionaries!

So we walked by this guy and he had a raccoon on a leash. He asked if I wanted to hold him and I said Why not?? I mean what's the worst that can happen? Haha it was the funniest thing ever! The raccoon was actually nice but it liked to nibble on my pants. It would hiss at me but would climb up my legs and try to eat my fingers haha! Don't worry..I washed my hands for an hour after.

I finished the Book of Mormon this week! Wow I love this book! I got so much out of it this time! It has strengthened my testimony so much about this gospel! I have started to read it again but this time....IN SPANISH. Ya its really hard but i usually know what its saying because i know most of stories and its helping my spanish alot!

Scariest thing of my life I got chased by four dogs and I don't think I have ever ran so fast in my life haha. My comp was laughing at me so hard because when they got really close I turned around and started barking at them and chasing them! Hey, it worked.

We started the zone ping pong tournament that lasts for 3 weeks and guess who is in the lead? Yes me but there are some really good kids that i didn't get to play yet so don't get too excited. But there is a trophy and it has candy in it so I really really want to win haha!

I hope next week I can send some pics of our baptisms and that everything goes well! I love you guys... make sure to keep me updated! 

Elder Sessions