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Monday, June 30, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 9

Hola Gringos!

Dang is it summer in the states? I think its summer here all the time. I got sunburned today playing soccer! We had another zone soccer game this morning and it was so much fun beating the latinos. Thats a lie, they killed us. But hey I still got to wear a jersey and look cool and thats also important. 

Well I am really loving this mission, I feel like I learn so much everyday and I'm just loving having all these new experiences! I love the spanish language and speaking to these awesome people of Honduras. 

So it was awesome to hear about Alyson's farewell and how the whole family was together! Reminded me of mine and I remember being so scared and nervous but that is the opposite of Alyson and I know she did awesome! Alyson is the definition of confidence and I know she is going to be an AWESOME missionary! The people are going to feel her spirit so strongly and I'm so excited for her! ( I'm also jealous because she doesn't have to learn a new language). 

The area president for my mission came this last week and him and his wife gave a talk to all the 210 missionaries in San Pedro. It was such a great talk about faith and I learned alot! And after it was the best because all my CCM friends were there! It was awesome to hang out with Elder Porter again since the CCM and we went to lunch after to McDonalds but shhhhhh don't tell my mom because she doesn't want me eating "unhealthy." They also have a normal food store there in San Pedro so we bought some stuff to make regular meals and that's been really nice haha!

One day we were walking out of our neighborhood and we met a woman named Isis. We had an appointment with her and got to know her more and to give her the lesson one pamphlet to read for our next lesson. Isis is a doctor and is 25 and is just a prime investigator. So for our next appointment we start and ask her if she had time to read the pamphlet we gave her. Well first you got to understand we ask this every single time and not once has anyone said yes. And to my amazement she said yes! She sat right in front of me not even holding the pamphlet and proceeded to teach me, Literally teach me, page by page of the pamphlet for the next 12 minutes starting from Heavenly Father to prophets to the life of Jesus to the great apostasy to Joseph Smith and the Priesthood to the Book of Mormon. I dont know if you can understand this but to a missionary it was probably the best thing of my life. When she was talking I found myself with my mouth wideeee open with a huge grin just amazed by what was happening. I whispered to my comp when she went up to get water, "hey, uhhh does this ever happen?" and his response, "I've been here for a year and no one has ever read the pamphlet before´." When she was done teaching to us word for word our lesson my comp simply took off his name tag and handed it to her and said thank you sister missionary. hahaha it was the funniest thing ever! But after that we answered all of her questions and went more into the Book of Mormon and the spirit was super strong and I just love people that actually want to learn. I hope she continues to progress so please pray for me to not mess up my spanish when I'm talking to her haha

Also I just wanted to say sorry for all my spelling mistakes in my letters, They don't have spell check and learning spanish is messing up my english haha! I hope my mother is correcting my mistakes! (Danette: Sometimes I feel like we are back in High School editing his English papers. I do leave some grammar and spelling typos just to give the letter some authenticity haha)

Well I love you guys and I hope you have a good week! Send me candy! ;)

Elder Sessions

Nothing is worse than just getting in bed and then realizing....Hey! I don't have any clean clothes for tomorrow....and having to get up and clean haha

Our investigator "Dave" for when Duff and I do practices in the morning during study haha

Me chopping the neighbors grass looking like a Nephite
Duff holding our favorite Raccoon! 

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