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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 6


Wow I finished my first change in the mission! I thought i was suppose to know spanish by now? Elder Marrero who lives in my house is getting changed and its sad because we have become great friends and he helps me a lot with everything. Its been a fast 6 weeks! We went into San Pedro a lot this week for meetings and other things and that was cool to see the city and normal things haha. This dentist company from the states came to San Pedro to help people that cant afford dental care and they are members and they said if any missionaries had problems with their teeth that they would help them. It was so funny because all the gringo elders didn't have any problems with their teeth so we all sat outside waiting for all the latinos and it was fun meeting new people and speaking english haha.

So alot of the little kids here don't wear any clothes and its understandable because its a thousand degrees. Well during one of our lessons a mom was holding her 2 year old boy, who was naked, in her lap and when I was talking all of the sudden he gets down and walks over to me, pees for a solid 10 seconds right in front of my feet then climbs back onto his moms lap. Not a word was said about it. I guess when you have to go you have to go?

The power in honduras has been crazyyyyy this week. Everyday is has been going out for hours at the worst times. At nights its the worst. If it goes out when I'm sleeping i just hop in the shower then lay in my bed all wet haha. It's the only way to fall asleep.

This last sunday it was raining and in honduras that means no church for some reason. Afterwards we would visit the people that didn't come and they would just say it was raining... I couldnt come! And then i point at their umbrella and they just dont say anything haha. The other elders say its always like this. Its loco here! Church starts at 9 and at 9:10 about 5 people were here when usually 120 come!

One of our part member families had a birthday!

I cant wait to be in an area where we get a lady to clean our clothes haha! I washed for about 2 and a half hours this morning and didn't even finish because the other elders needed to wash. I woke up earlier to do it because its easier when the sun is cooking your back. But hey its a good work out hahaI I have lost sooo much weight everyone calls me skinny white boy! I had to make another hole in my belt :/

So the church has 2 sets of keys and its so funny because not one person has them all the time... like just random members will have them for some reason and we always have to go pick them up before we go to the church building. And only one set of the keys has the bishops key to his office. Well last Sunday we didn't have his key and he needed to get in his office so we made a ladder out of desks and he climbed into the ceiling and came down the other end into his office! I dont think I have ever laughed so hard in my life! He kept saying in english, "i have a power" "Don't worry" but his accent sounded like a chinese man with a high voice! It was so great haha

During our lessons there are always distractions that take away from the spirit and the people don't understand this so its so hard sometimes because they think we just want to talk or chill. But the lessons we have when its just quiet and they are just paying attention to us, go so great and those are the ones the the spirit can touch their hearts. I'm so grateful for the power of the spirit and how it can change peoples lives because I know it has changed mine! I love being a missionary and I hope you guys love being member missionaries! Love you guys!
-Elder Sessions

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