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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 7


This week has straight up been one for the books! Crazy/Best week ever! But first I want to start off with something that was in every email from you guys that I opened up today... .....yes I have lost a FEW pounds...yes I how fat was I before? Geeze.....I mean I walk all day in 100 degrees ok? haha everyone in the mission too, when they see me, are always like "wow Sessions you are so skinny now!" uhhh hey i was skinny before too pal. I just think I lost all my muscle...ya let's go with that. 

Anywayssss this last week was changes and I made a ton of goals for my next 6 weeks with Elder Rios. Langauge goals mostly and also making sure I knew all the members and less actives and every part of my area so when Rios leaves I can remember everything. But I guess the Lord did not have my same goals because Elder Rios had a change! It really shocked us because usually you have your trainer for two changes but a couple other people that came with me had changes too. I was freaking out. I had to show my next comp all around and introduce him to everyone. I kept worrying if he could only speak Spanish and how hard that would be to explain everything and everyone. And I was also sad to leave Elder Rios. He might of been a crazy little Mexican but he was my crazy little Mexican haha He taught me a ton and I am so thankful for him. Well the day comes and they call my name to stand to get my new comp and they say his name,"Elder Duff". If you can't tell, that's a GRINGO name! Ya baby I got a white comp! My prayers have been answered! But Elder Duff isn't just any gringo, he is seriously the best comp ever! I knew about him before I even met him because everyone talks about him and how awesome he is and it's so true. We get along so well and he teaches me so much! This week I have just been so happy. 

Elder Duff and Elder Sessions

Goodbye hugs from Elder Rios

There are four of us for our one branch and all 3 are new except me....and I've only been here for one change and its so hard because they all rely on me to know peoples names and where they live and where things are when its not even in my area sometimes. That's been a struggle but its getting better! The Lord has been helping me a tonnnnn.

Well we had our zone ping pong tournament......after a lot of tears and a lot of sweat, I was able to take first place and take home the trophy! ( a gatorade and a package of cookies). It was so much fun and there were a lot of close games! I love the Elders in my zone!

So when the other elders packed up and left they didn't clean at all and left so much old things they didn't want or old clothes and stuff like that. So we burned ALL of it and it was great. I hope some of it wasn't important haha!

Man I love you guys so much! Remember to be a member missionary! You guys are all great examples to me and are a huge strength for me out here. I want to hear about everyone's week ok? Love ya!

Elder Sessions

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