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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 5

Jarom with the "Crazy Racoon"


It has been a superrr fast week! And my Spanish isnt keeping up! But we are teaching a lot of new investigators! Its just so hard sometimes because no one here keeps commitments... like coming to church or reading the book of mormon or praying. They have faith in Jesus but they never will do anything about it! We were suppose to have 2 baptisms yesterday but they both just didn't show up and they wouldn't answer their phones. Afterwards we went by their house´s and they were just sleeping or they forgot. ( even tho we told them a couple hours ago). I dont know it just hard sometimes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints isn't like other churches. Its a different way of living life and most of the people here don't understand that.

So how has this week been with working with the missionaries? I would love to hear about it! Also if you feed them make sure you don't give them too much because maybe they just ate at another house before ok? thanks haha!! You guys will speed the work of the Lord so much if you help the missionaries!

So we walked by this guy and he had a raccoon on a leash. He asked if I wanted to hold him and I said Why not?? I mean what's the worst that can happen? Haha it was the funniest thing ever! The raccoon was actually nice but it liked to nibble on my pants. It would hiss at me but would climb up my legs and try to eat my fingers haha! Don't worry..I washed my hands for an hour after.

I finished the Book of Mormon this week! Wow I love this book! I got so much out of it this time! It has strengthened my testimony so much about this gospel! I have started to read it again but this time....IN SPANISH. Ya its really hard but i usually know what its saying because i know most of stories and its helping my spanish alot!

Scariest thing of my life I got chased by four dogs and I don't think I have ever ran so fast in my life haha. My comp was laughing at me so hard because when they got really close I turned around and started barking at them and chasing them! Hey, it worked.

We started the zone ping pong tournament that lasts for 3 weeks and guess who is in the lead? Yes me but there are some really good kids that i didn't get to play yet so don't get too excited. But there is a trophy and it has candy in it so I really really want to win haha!

I hope next week I can send some pics of our baptisms and that everything goes well! I love you guys... make sure to keep me updated! 

Elder Sessions

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