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Monday, June 23, 2014

Dos Caminos Week 8


This week has been great in Honduras! My new comp Elder Duff is a champ and I am learning so much from him! He really cares for the people and he gets stuff done and its the best. He's really big into doing service which I think every missionary should try harder to do. Elder Duff is constantly looking to help other people and be an example and I'm learning a ton. Also, unlike Elder Rios, Elder Duff likes to eat! Which is great because I really like to eat too haha. We actually went to the store and bought food.....ya I'm not lying...for the first time in my mission I have had food in my house. Elder Rios would save his money and I didn't really understand that I could by food haha But ya its been nice coming home and being able to make a meal and not go to bed hungry. Hurray for gringo comps!

I guess I can update a little bit on the Spanish. I usually understand everything people say which has been really nice but its the talking back part that needs the work. Forming sentences is just a challenge because nothing directly translates from English but its getting better and I know that the Lord is helping me everyday

I'm so glad I'm in an area pretty close to San Pedro because we see the mission President all the time and i just love him! He is so tuned into the Spirit and he's so nice! I'm jealous of the guys in the office that get to talk to him everyday. But I'm also mad at the guys in the office because they haven't brought me my fan yet. And they haven't brought the bug killer guy to spray our house down. Our house is infested with ants its like something you see in a horror film. Honduras is just the best haha

Learning to make these delish taco things that are very unhealthy but delish!


Ernesto is leaving to the states for a year and it was sad because that family is awesome!

This is the first full week with Elder Duff and we set some awesome goals and I was super excited. But the FIFA world cup started and honduras actually made it in the cup. So two nights this week we had to be back in our house at 4 because its so crazy on the streets. We could tell when honduras scored because it got soooo loud it was just crazy. So we lost alot of hours those days and then 2 other nights it rained so hard that the lights when out and its a rule in the mission that we have to be home if its dark with no light. So that messed up all of our goals.

But even tho the week just got all messed up, we had a great experience with a new family we met. So this is the kind family that I pray for every day to meet. This family, Garcia, has been prepared by the Lord and is really ready for our message. During our first visit they opened up so much and we all felt the spirit a ton. The mother said that for 20 years she never felt the need for God in her life until she met us. And the oldest daughter actually has been praying so that she could get closer to God. The whole family has been having trials lately and I love helping them feel the spirit and letting them know the Lord can help them through anything. They are so attentive during our lessons and  they have the best questions--- man I could just talk about them for hours!

I'm loving it here and I love teaching this gospel! I know the church is true and love all of you so much!

Elder Sessions

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