Blog Archive

Monday, November 23, 2015

Villanueva Week 4

Hey everyone!

I'm going to try to be positive in this letter haha. Started out pretty rough with every single one of our dinners falling through. That's kinda normal but they wouldn't really tell us till 8 at night and everything is closed at that time! except 2 and baleadas...I ended up getting sick :/ I've had many stomach problems and it's killed all my energy! But today I'm starting to feel a little bit better. But I really have been blessed. Two of my really good friends here in the mission had to go home this change for health issues and I've really had to count my blessings.

So we have this new missionary plan for our stake and it is awesome!! Part of the plan is that we are going to have 5 less active families to visit and give reports to our bishops. It's been working so well! We had a record attendance this Sunday so that was really cool! We always have been teaching the Action Plan with most of the members and they have actually been bringing investigators! It's been really nice to see their support in this area.

The Paz family have been doing sooo well. Satan is reallyyyyy trying to make sure this wedding doesn't happen and we have had a couple challenges but I know all will work out! The wife Lourdes was able to get allll her papers so that's all good. On the other hand it's been harder for Javier. His family is complicated so filling out the papers have been taking time and they both work a tonnnn so its just rough. But they have showed so much faith and strength I know the Lord will bless them. This is the true church of Christ! SOOOO glad to be a part of it. 

-Elder Sessions

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Villanueva Week 3

A high part in our area

Hey family!

Fantastic week! Today we went to a really cool Zoo in Yojoa! It's called Joya Grande! It's higher in the mountains so it was pretty nice weather! It was wierd how they let a lot of the animals just wander around and the llamas kept spitting on the Elders that got too close! Haha it was hilarious! This crazy monkey grabbed the string on my camera and screamed in my face! I have never been so scared before in my life. But we all made it out alive no worries.

Crazy Monkey!

Pretty interesting week of contacting. It's been a challenge being able to talk to complete families because everyone works during the day and at night we are always full of appointments! We actually found a great family that actually went to church for a long time a couple years ago and seem way excited to get invited back. Maybe now is their time right? We could just see the joy on the faces! One day we were contacting pretty late and we had to go down this hill and my comp slipped and fell pretty hard! he bruised his leg pretty bad the poor guy. I feel like all my comps are always falling in the street...

Really good news with the Paz family! Father's name is Javier and the mother's name is Lourdes. So we hit a couple rough patches with getting their papers for the wedding. They both were born pretty far away so they have to take days off work to travel and pay for the papers ( I know it's annoying). But we have been praying and praying and they were both able to get Wednesday off from work! A HUGE blessing so it looks like all will work out. This Sunday we had a pretty nice humbling moment. So the Saturday night before church, Javier had to stay and work till 3 in the morning to do inventory at work. In my head I was thinking oh he's not going to come blah blah negative stuff. Turns out he came anway! And church starts at 8! I almost wanted to cry for the amount of faith this family has! It was great to see them as a family sitting at church. Best parts of the mission!

The Paz Family

Hope all goes well in the 480 (??? I had to ask Aubrey....It's our phone area code)have a great week! 
-Elder Sessions

Making Baleadas...haha when am I not tho???

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Villanueva Week 2

Leadership Meeting


I'm sorry I don't have tons to write about this week! We have just been kinda busy and nothing has really changed. A couple pairs of missionaries in our Zone are opening areas so we had to get their house situated and cleaned and stuff like that. But they all seem very motivated so it's exciting to watch them kill it in their areas!

We had a leadership meeting this week with President Dester which was fun! We were able to plan for the muti zone meeting we are going to have so that will be a blast! After we went to Johnny Rockets with everyone. It was cool eating a good normal meal!

We were able to make and sell baleadas for the wedding of the Paz Leiva family! Lotssss of people came to help and buy and it was a huge success! They have been doing so great and the great thing about our ward is they actually talk to our investigators and they really like coming to church! yay! Well I'm sorry... next week I will write more! Thanks for everyything!

-Elder Sessions

Fundraiser for Wedding

A Birthday Celebration

Monday, November 2, 2015

Villanueva Week 1

Hola familia!

So there I am.....sitting in the church waiting for my new comp with all the other missionaries just chillin. Then I get a call from the AP and he says that actually I did have changes! They closed my area down to just the other two missionaries! Huge shock! One of the good parts is that now I'm in Villanueva as zone leader with one of my best friends Elder Tello from Peru! It's been sooooo much fun and we are in a big ward that supports us a ton and they are soooo funny and nice. Not even one week and I feel like I'm at home! The worst parts were that I had to pack in 45 minutes and didn't get to say goodbye to ANY members from my last sad.  I just called them but it was so lame and sad. Hopefully I can see them soon... I'm still really close!!

Elder Sessions and Elder Tello

My sweet USA shirt I got for 50 cents!

I think I received the best news ever tho when I showed up to Villanueva. Elder Porter is in my zone! Even better he's in my district and lives right down the road from me! And he's sitting right next to me here on the internet! It's been so much fun! Today we went to the huge Lake in Yojoa! Almost all of the zone went and we had a blast. It's weird seeing so many young kids! But we all went and played some soccer and just chilled. The weather is nicer over there and we didn't sweat like crazy! The tire on the bus blew out on the way back so that was dumb. But we still got here in the end!

Elder Sessions and Elder Porter

Our apartment is pretty great for us 2 and living with Elder Tello is the best! He is probably one of the funniest kids I know! We actually have 2 families that are looking to get married and get baptized and they are really animated! The Paz Leiva fam is doing so good he came to church with his family in a white shirt and the members just love them! They treat them like family so it helps out the work soooo much. And everyone is volunteering to help sell food to get the money to get them married.
I'm just really excited to start working and getting to know my area! Everything is great! 

Thank you all for your prayers! Have a great week!
-Elder Sessions!

Primary Talent Show

My area has lots of hills...

Water "bag" break

My old district

Catching up with old friends