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Monday, November 23, 2015

Villanueva Week 4

Hey everyone!

I'm going to try to be positive in this letter haha. Started out pretty rough with every single one of our dinners falling through. That's kinda normal but they wouldn't really tell us till 8 at night and everything is closed at that time! except 2 and baleadas...I ended up getting sick :/ I've had many stomach problems and it's killed all my energy! But today I'm starting to feel a little bit better. But I really have been blessed. Two of my really good friends here in the mission had to go home this change for health issues and I've really had to count my blessings.

So we have this new missionary plan for our stake and it is awesome!! Part of the plan is that we are going to have 5 less active families to visit and give reports to our bishops. It's been working so well! We had a record attendance this Sunday so that was really cool! We always have been teaching the Action Plan with most of the members and they have actually been bringing investigators! It's been really nice to see their support in this area.

The Paz family have been doing sooo well. Satan is reallyyyyy trying to make sure this wedding doesn't happen and we have had a couple challenges but I know all will work out! The wife Lourdes was able to get allll her papers so that's all good. On the other hand it's been harder for Javier. His family is complicated so filling out the papers have been taking time and they both work a tonnnn so its just rough. But they have showed so much faith and strength I know the Lord will bless them. This is the true church of Christ! SOOOO glad to be a part of it. 

-Elder Sessions

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