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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Villanueva Week 3

A high part in our area

Hey family!

Fantastic week! Today we went to a really cool Zoo in Yojoa! It's called Joya Grande! It's higher in the mountains so it was pretty nice weather! It was wierd how they let a lot of the animals just wander around and the llamas kept spitting on the Elders that got too close! Haha it was hilarious! This crazy monkey grabbed the string on my camera and screamed in my face! I have never been so scared before in my life. But we all made it out alive no worries.

Crazy Monkey!

Pretty interesting week of contacting. It's been a challenge being able to talk to complete families because everyone works during the day and at night we are always full of appointments! We actually found a great family that actually went to church for a long time a couple years ago and seem way excited to get invited back. Maybe now is their time right? We could just see the joy on the faces! One day we were contacting pretty late and we had to go down this hill and my comp slipped and fell pretty hard! he bruised his leg pretty bad the poor guy. I feel like all my comps are always falling in the street...

Really good news with the Paz family! Father's name is Javier and the mother's name is Lourdes. So we hit a couple rough patches with getting their papers for the wedding. They both were born pretty far away so they have to take days off work to travel and pay for the papers ( I know it's annoying). But we have been praying and praying and they were both able to get Wednesday off from work! A HUGE blessing so it looks like all will work out. This Sunday we had a pretty nice humbling moment. So the Saturday night before church, Javier had to stay and work till 3 in the morning to do inventory at work. In my head I was thinking oh he's not going to come blah blah negative stuff. Turns out he came anway! And church starts at 8! I almost wanted to cry for the amount of faith this family has! It was great to see them as a family sitting at church. Best parts of the mission!

The Paz Family

Hope all goes well in the 480 (??? I had to ask Aubrey....It's our phone area code)have a great week! 
-Elder Sessions

Making Baleadas...haha when am I not tho???

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