Blog Archive

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Villanueva Week 2

Leadership Meeting


I'm sorry I don't have tons to write about this week! We have just been kinda busy and nothing has really changed. A couple pairs of missionaries in our Zone are opening areas so we had to get their house situated and cleaned and stuff like that. But they all seem very motivated so it's exciting to watch them kill it in their areas!

We had a leadership meeting this week with President Dester which was fun! We were able to plan for the muti zone meeting we are going to have so that will be a blast! After we went to Johnny Rockets with everyone. It was cool eating a good normal meal!

We were able to make and sell baleadas for the wedding of the Paz Leiva family! Lotssss of people came to help and buy and it was a huge success! They have been doing so great and the great thing about our ward is they actually talk to our investigators and they really like coming to church! yay! Well I'm sorry... next week I will write more! Thanks for everyything!

-Elder Sessions

Fundraiser for Wedding

A Birthday Celebration

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