Blog Archive

Monday, November 2, 2015

Villanueva Week 1

Hola familia!

So there I am.....sitting in the church waiting for my new comp with all the other missionaries just chillin. Then I get a call from the AP and he says that actually I did have changes! They closed my area down to just the other two missionaries! Huge shock! One of the good parts is that now I'm in Villanueva as zone leader with one of my best friends Elder Tello from Peru! It's been sooooo much fun and we are in a big ward that supports us a ton and they are soooo funny and nice. Not even one week and I feel like I'm at home! The worst parts were that I had to pack in 45 minutes and didn't get to say goodbye to ANY members from my last sad.  I just called them but it was so lame and sad. Hopefully I can see them soon... I'm still really close!!

Elder Sessions and Elder Tello

My sweet USA shirt I got for 50 cents!

I think I received the best news ever tho when I showed up to Villanueva. Elder Porter is in my zone! Even better he's in my district and lives right down the road from me! And he's sitting right next to me here on the internet! It's been so much fun! Today we went to the huge Lake in Yojoa! Almost all of the zone went and we had a blast. It's weird seeing so many young kids! But we all went and played some soccer and just chilled. The weather is nicer over there and we didn't sweat like crazy! The tire on the bus blew out on the way back so that was dumb. But we still got here in the end!

Elder Sessions and Elder Porter

Our apartment is pretty great for us 2 and living with Elder Tello is the best! He is probably one of the funniest kids I know! We actually have 2 families that are looking to get married and get baptized and they are really animated! The Paz Leiva fam is doing so good he came to church with his family in a white shirt and the members just love them! They treat them like family so it helps out the work soooo much. And everyone is volunteering to help sell food to get the money to get them married.
I'm just really excited to start working and getting to know my area! Everything is great! 

Thank you all for your prayers! Have a great week!
-Elder Sessions!

Primary Talent Show

My area has lots of hills...

Water "bag" break

My old district

Catching up with old friends

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