Blog Archive

Monday, June 29, 2015

Naco Week 7

Hey family! 

We had transfers! Dun Dun Dunnnnn.......Said goodbye to Elder Chancay and received ANOTHER awesome comp! His name is Elder Conium! The coolest part is that he's from Glendale, AZ!  Practically neighbors right? Man we had a good first week together. He likes to joke around alot like me so we got along from day one. He is my same height and white like me and is 20 and everyyyyone thinks we are brothers... it's hilarious! We tell them how old we are when we meet people and they get a confused look on their faces and say how do you guys have the same age if you are brothers? haha But we had our first week together and we were very successful! We were able to have 5 investigators which was nice and we found many new people! We are only lacking member help :/ We only have like 15 people that can give references so it's kinda rough! But we gave the last class in church with everyone and taught about missionary work. We got them all motivated and got them laughing so hopefully we can get some results.

I don't know if I've mentioned Sabina's family but they have been great! They have a very different situation and they are a very strong family. Sabina is the mom with her husband and 2 kids. Well, the dad recently became sick, diabetic and cannot work and just stays in the house. Now Sabina has to do everythinggg. But this woman is a machine! She teaches school in the mornings, is a nurse on the weekends, cuts hair, sews clothes, and sells jewelry allll to support the family. They had to move out of Naco to a town 10 minutes away in a bus. Their tiny wood house doesn't have running water or electricity. Every time we go by we haul water from a pump to the their house. It's a far walk and buckets of water are pretty heavy for a woman to carry! But she is so strong and she has come to love this gospel. She reads the Book of Mormon and loves the activities of the church. She's working on Sunday right now but I have the faith that something better will come along for her! Fingers crossed.

We just got done playing soccer and basketball as a zone and it was really fun. Got my tan on because we were outside so that was nice haha. Next week I'll try to remember more things to write you guys.
-Elder Sessions

Handing out Limes with pass-along cards because Hondurans eat limes with Everything!

Helping wash Tita's dog

Monday, June 22, 2015

Naco Week 6

Hey Fam!

Another one of the those weeks where we had great experiences mixed with days where Satan was just trying to mess with us. One thing I have come to cherish during the mission is personal study of the scriptures! Wow I never thought I would feel like this! It's really my favorite part of the day. For at least one hour everyday I have time to relax and be fed spiritually. I have found that everyday I learn something new or find a new scripture for an investigator. This last week I have been reading the conference talks and man it has been a blast. SO MANY great talks from our leaders. We have to give a talk next week at church about the family missionary plan so I've been able to use a couple parts of some talks and I think it's going to be great. I really hope that I will continue to keep this drive to study the scriptures when i return home! One of the talks from conference talked about how a return missionary can't just take a swan dive into Babylon when he gets home and expect to keep old on the iron rod. Scares me a little but I know all will turn out great.

This week was pretty sad for Elder Chancay. He just wasn't that lucky. We were at church and we were outside teaching our investigators and when Chancay was teaching a hugeeeee grasshopper come down from a tree and smacked him in the face. He screamed like a 6 year old girl and we all died laughing! It was was rough to get the spirit back. Then the other day we walked by a family and this little kid chucked a giant mango that had been peeled open and had fallen in the dirt, at Elder Chancay. He didn't react fast enough and hit him in the chest and fell all down his pants. No one said anything. The parents of the kids just stared at us...
We had a week full of contacting. Not many members to give references :/ But it actually turned out great! A couple of great experiences. We were able to find a couple of people that have been looking for a change in their life. Alot of people that have the capacity to progress! We found a family that had a Book of Mormon for 16 years and have read alot of it and had manyyyy questions. They seem really prepared! Super excited to keep teaching them! 
Have great week you guys! 
-Elder Sessions

Divisions with another Elder Parades

Making Baleadas with Hermana Tita!

Our pila where we wash our clothes is really old and cuts my hands.
 (I wonder what it does to his clothes???)

She told me to brush her hair...Oookaaay!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Naco Week 5

Howdy peeps!

Exciting week for you guys with the birth of Navy! Que emociĆ³n verdad? Now that's number 2 of the nieces that I dont know. Can you guys just slow down like a little? My kids aren't going to have cousins... its not fair! This week has been a little bit on the rough side but always with alot of positives!  Today as a zone we played soccer which was great to see some homies. In Naco we are so far away I feel like I'm stranded sometimes! 

So this week the rain was ridiculous. Alll day for dayssss it was straight rain and rivers in the streets. By our house and the church we are just walking around in rivers. It was actually really sad as well. We have a couple of big rivers and many people with nothing, live in tiny shacks by the river. The river filled up so much that it covered the houses and many people were made homeless. People with houses have a bunch of holes in the roof and water just destroyed everything. It is a huge problem here in Naco and it was hard to watch. We tried to help how we could but it's just an immense amount of water. Count your blessing right? Makes it hard to complain about anything after seeing peoples lives being ruined. Pray for the people of Naco!

Welllllllllll the baptisms this week feel through. Saturday morning we got a text from Gloria thanking us for everything and helping her change her life but that she couldn't get baptized. When we stopped by her house she had moved to Costa Rica! haha crazy stuff right? Kinda sad but it's okay. One day she will get baptized! Her life was completely changed by this gospel and I have seen a night and day difference in her character. She is so amazing!
Well we were able to find a couple new people that don't work sundays so we will see how that goes!

Love you all tons!
-Elder Sessions
The sign says it's only for kiddos under age 6...

Add caption

Monday, June 8, 2015

Naco Week 4


Such a success week this week in Naco! It has been raining so it's been like so humid. I won't be walking in the rain but it looks like I am because I am sweating like crazy. Today was amazing! Our district went to some sweet waterfalls out in the middle of nowhere. We found a member who took us for FREE in his car (with air conditioning). It was great because it's private property so there is no one and we were able to relax and have a great time. I found this old umbrella and super glued a screw at the top that fits my camera and made a selfie stick so we could all take better selfies haha. We were able to bring some food and ate in the middle of the river it was great!

So this area doesn't have a ton of members so its like a little family here its nice! One family that we really get along with is with the Hernandez family! Olga is the mom and she has 3 kids that are like 11, 9, and 8 years old. She works everyday and the kids stay in the house alone allll day. (almost every house in honduras is like this) so you can just imagine 3 kids doing whatever they want all day...if we pass by the house we always help them clean the house a bit because they don't do anything and when Olga gets home she gets super stressed. She is a really special person for us.. she helps us out a tonnnnn. Every night she calls us to invite us to eat dinner with them and when we can't she sends us the food at our house! She's so nice and loves to share the gospel. She was recently baptized so sh'es got that fire! She's an example for all of Naco!

More results this week with our investigators! The Hermana Gloria and her 2 kids Daniel(10) Andrea(13) are going to get baptized this Sunday! So excited! She finally received her answer! She has been awesome... she reads the Book of Mormon with her kids! Hopefully the members can come to support her. This extension is struggling because we don't have enough seats and people have to stand all the time and it bothers everyone. Praying for a miracle! 

Hope everyone has a great week and swims alot for me! 
-Elder Sessions
This calf was born yesterday!

Helping our little friend with her math!

Look Dad! I have bunnies too!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Naco Week 3

Hey familia!

This week was interesting! Started out getting sick! My comp had the flu and was completely out of energy! I had a fever and was walking around like a zombie haha. Finally we got better so that's been nice. 

We had multi zone conference this week! Man did I need this day. Got to see alot of my friends including Elder PORTER! It's been forever! The homie is doing good. He's in a great area that's actually cold. Lucky guy. We had a whole day of classes and training meetings and we were able to learn a lot. President Dester is the best ever! He always knows what to say and keeps us laughing. He has so much patience to deal with all us missionaries!

Elder Porter!

my zone

I had the opportunity to do divisions in San Marcos! Bus ride for 2 hours haha. Soooo long. Our district is just massive. I was with Elder Quiros from Bolivia. He's got 3 weeks and is hilarious. In Honduras they say a lot of different words than normal so he was always asking hey what does that mean? Hey why do they say that? hahah so funny. But their area is great! We able to teach a couple of people that are really progressing and it's great to see the work growing all over honduras! 

Finally finally finally we were able to find some great new investigators! The members do an activity that they have to give a B.O.M. to a friend then they choose the next person that has to gift the book. It's been a success! We found a sister that has read almost all of Nephi! Shes loves the church and wants a better life for her kids which is what the church is all about. Hopefully she can start to progress and we can see some growth!

Have a great week! Love you all! 
-Elder Sessions

I got invited to a sweet Frozen Birthday Party!