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Monday, June 29, 2015

Naco Week 7

Hey family! 

We had transfers! Dun Dun Dunnnnn.......Said goodbye to Elder Chancay and received ANOTHER awesome comp! His name is Elder Conium! The coolest part is that he's from Glendale, AZ!  Practically neighbors right? Man we had a good first week together. He likes to joke around alot like me so we got along from day one. He is my same height and white like me and is 20 and everyyyyone thinks we are brothers... it's hilarious! We tell them how old we are when we meet people and they get a confused look on their faces and say how do you guys have the same age if you are brothers? haha But we had our first week together and we were very successful! We were able to have 5 investigators which was nice and we found many new people! We are only lacking member help :/ We only have like 15 people that can give references so it's kinda rough! But we gave the last class in church with everyone and taught about missionary work. We got them all motivated and got them laughing so hopefully we can get some results.

I don't know if I've mentioned Sabina's family but they have been great! They have a very different situation and they are a very strong family. Sabina is the mom with her husband and 2 kids. Well, the dad recently became sick, diabetic and cannot work and just stays in the house. Now Sabina has to do everythinggg. But this woman is a machine! She teaches school in the mornings, is a nurse on the weekends, cuts hair, sews clothes, and sells jewelry allll to support the family. They had to move out of Naco to a town 10 minutes away in a bus. Their tiny wood house doesn't have running water or electricity. Every time we go by we haul water from a pump to the their house. It's a far walk and buckets of water are pretty heavy for a woman to carry! But she is so strong and she has come to love this gospel. She reads the Book of Mormon and loves the activities of the church. She's working on Sunday right now but I have the faith that something better will come along for her! Fingers crossed.

We just got done playing soccer and basketball as a zone and it was really fun. Got my tan on because we were outside so that was nice haha. Next week I'll try to remember more things to write you guys.
-Elder Sessions

Handing out Limes with pass-along cards because Hondurans eat limes with Everything!

Helping wash Tita's dog

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