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Monday, June 22, 2015

Naco Week 6

Hey Fam!

Another one of the those weeks where we had great experiences mixed with days where Satan was just trying to mess with us. One thing I have come to cherish during the mission is personal study of the scriptures! Wow I never thought I would feel like this! It's really my favorite part of the day. For at least one hour everyday I have time to relax and be fed spiritually. I have found that everyday I learn something new or find a new scripture for an investigator. This last week I have been reading the conference talks and man it has been a blast. SO MANY great talks from our leaders. We have to give a talk next week at church about the family missionary plan so I've been able to use a couple parts of some talks and I think it's going to be great. I really hope that I will continue to keep this drive to study the scriptures when i return home! One of the talks from conference talked about how a return missionary can't just take a swan dive into Babylon when he gets home and expect to keep old on the iron rod. Scares me a little but I know all will turn out great.

This week was pretty sad for Elder Chancay. He just wasn't that lucky. We were at church and we were outside teaching our investigators and when Chancay was teaching a hugeeeee grasshopper come down from a tree and smacked him in the face. He screamed like a 6 year old girl and we all died laughing! It was was rough to get the spirit back. Then the other day we walked by a family and this little kid chucked a giant mango that had been peeled open and had fallen in the dirt, at Elder Chancay. He didn't react fast enough and hit him in the chest and fell all down his pants. No one said anything. The parents of the kids just stared at us...
We had a week full of contacting. Not many members to give references :/ But it actually turned out great! A couple of great experiences. We were able to find a couple of people that have been looking for a change in their life. Alot of people that have the capacity to progress! We found a family that had a Book of Mormon for 16 years and have read alot of it and had manyyyy questions. They seem really prepared! Super excited to keep teaching them! 
Have great week you guys! 
-Elder Sessions

Divisions with another Elder Parades

Making Baleadas with Hermana Tita!

Our pila where we wash our clothes is really old and cuts my hands.
 (I wonder what it does to his clothes???)

She told me to brush her hair...Oookaaay!

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