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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Naco Week 5

Howdy peeps!

Exciting week for you guys with the birth of Navy! Que emoción verdad? Now that's number 2 of the nieces that I dont know. Can you guys just slow down like a little? My kids aren't going to have cousins... its not fair! This week has been a little bit on the rough side but always with alot of positives!  Today as a zone we played soccer which was great to see some homies. In Naco we are so far away I feel like I'm stranded sometimes! 

So this week the rain was ridiculous. Alll day for dayssss it was straight rain and rivers in the streets. By our house and the church we are just walking around in rivers. It was actually really sad as well. We have a couple of big rivers and many people with nothing, live in tiny shacks by the river. The river filled up so much that it covered the houses and many people were made homeless. People with houses have a bunch of holes in the roof and water just destroyed everything. It is a huge problem here in Naco and it was hard to watch. We tried to help how we could but it's just an immense amount of water. Count your blessing right? Makes it hard to complain about anything after seeing peoples lives being ruined. Pray for the people of Naco!

Welllllllllll the baptisms this week feel through. Saturday morning we got a text from Gloria thanking us for everything and helping her change her life but that she couldn't get baptized. When we stopped by her house she had moved to Costa Rica! haha crazy stuff right? Kinda sad but it's okay. One day she will get baptized! Her life was completely changed by this gospel and I have seen a night and day difference in her character. She is so amazing!
Well we were able to find a couple new people that don't work sundays so we will see how that goes!

Love you all tons!
-Elder Sessions
The sign says it's only for kiddos under age 6...

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