Blog Archive

Monday, June 1, 2015

Naco Week 3

Hey familia!

This week was interesting! Started out getting sick! My comp had the flu and was completely out of energy! I had a fever and was walking around like a zombie haha. Finally we got better so that's been nice. 

We had multi zone conference this week! Man did I need this day. Got to see alot of my friends including Elder PORTER! It's been forever! The homie is doing good. He's in a great area that's actually cold. Lucky guy. We had a whole day of classes and training meetings and we were able to learn a lot. President Dester is the best ever! He always knows what to say and keeps us laughing. He has so much patience to deal with all us missionaries!

Elder Porter!

my zone

I had the opportunity to do divisions in San Marcos! Bus ride for 2 hours haha. Soooo long. Our district is just massive. I was with Elder Quiros from Bolivia. He's got 3 weeks and is hilarious. In Honduras they say a lot of different words than normal so he was always asking hey what does that mean? Hey why do they say that? hahah so funny. But their area is great! We able to teach a couple of people that are really progressing and it's great to see the work growing all over honduras! 

Finally finally finally we were able to find some great new investigators! The members do an activity that they have to give a B.O.M. to a friend then they choose the next person that has to gift the book. It's been a success! We found a sister that has read almost all of Nephi! Shes loves the church and wants a better life for her kids which is what the church is all about. Hopefully she can start to progress and we can see some growth!

Have a great week! Love you all! 
-Elder Sessions

I got invited to a sweet Frozen Birthday Party! 

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