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Monday, April 27, 2015

Trincheras Week 16


Superrrr great week! Honduras is so funny. Today the news says it's a record temperature and that it's dangerous to be outside. So they cancelled school for all the kids. So now they are all playing soccer in the streets haha... Honduran logic. But its been crazy hot. My watch tan line is out of control. I feel like every 2 minutes I'm buying a bag of water. We are just covered in sweat! 2 days this week we did service in the morning and my poor comp was like passing out from heatstroke! 

Today is Elder Bergstroms bday! ( and Chloe too)  We had some Hostess ho ho's and put candles in them and sang happy bday. Then after soccer today we all went to Pizza Hut to celebrate! Really fun!

Earlier during the week Elder Olivas played a prank on my comp and I. My comp is the same as me and wouldn't let that go unpunished....Matamoros called for Olivas to come outside and when he came out, I was waiting on the second floor with a big bucket of water. Welllll Olivas got soaked! So now my comp and I sleeping with one eye open because Olivas is loco haha! Love being with my bros all the time.

I really love the ward here in Trincheras but they have like a big problem when it comes to missionary work. So we've started doing these activities with all the members and our investigators. And this week was the biggest one yet! We played Jeopardy but with gospel questions and it went great! They were all enjoying it and the investigators got more friends! It stinks that finally we got a ward missionary leader and the ward is helping us and I'm going to be leaving soon. Just gotta take advantage of it right now I guess!

This week we have finally starting seeing the fruits of our work! Investigators are progressing and we have been finding new people. I think the one of the greatest blessing I've been learning in the mission is the power of prayer. Never in my life have I found myself turning to prayer as my first reaction like here in the mission. It has brought me so much joy and peace being able to turn to my Heavenly Father during the mission. I know alot of you guys know but man the mission is STRESSFUL. Praying for patience and love for the people is the #1 one thing getting me through this mission. I can really feel like someone is listening and cares about about my problems. I know God lives and loves to hear from his children and I'm so grateful for my parents who taught me these principles all my life!

Hope you guys all have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

Didn't he say it was record high temperatures???

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Trincheras Week 15

Hey Fam!

Whoa what a fast week. The week started off pretty lame....Went to go to take out money from the mission card and the ATM machine ate my money. So I went to my personal card to take out money to help me till they fixed my card but not even my personal card was working. (5 different ATM's don't worry). It just wasn't my day haha worst part was that later that day we had to pay our cook and rent for the house! And I had ZERO money haha. The other Elders have been bros and are helping me out. 

We were able to help this lady carry water to her house the other day and when we finished we started to get to know her better. She has had many difficulties in her life and on top of everything her daughter passed away a couple weeks ago. She is a very sweet person and I feel like the Lord has been preparing her for the gospel. We felt the spirit so strongly and we were prompted to talk about family history and show pics of our families and teach about eternal families. She loves it so we hope so she can stop working on Sundays to come to church!

I think I've told you guys about how hard it is to marry down here right? Well it's almost impossible. So when you find married people its like a number one priority! Wellll this woman got baptized like 8 months ago when her husband was in the states working. He just got back recently and he is so awesome! We all hit it off super fast and he jokes around with us alot. His name is Helder which is just Elder because the H doesn't have sound. He's come to church a couple times and likes it alot. Hoping he continues to progress and that we can get them to the temple!

The weeks have been great this change. Us four in the house all get along really well and are always making jokes and having a good time. We have really started to get the trust of the ward and they support us more! I'm just loving the mission. Have a great week everyone!
-Elder Sessions

getting ice cream on pday

We left the door open and this kitty just walked right in like he owned the place!
I'm not complaining!

Having Pizza with some friends!

Having pollo con trajedas with investigators

Monday, April 13, 2015

Trincheras Week 14

Hola gringos

Well this week was great! Started off with Interviews with president and that was awesome to see him. He truly is a man called from God! Im not going to lie...this week went by superrrrrrr fast and everyday we were just contacting and teaching and I dont have a ton of stories :/ just the normal missionary life. We did some service for a member that lives soooo far away up on the side of this mountain and when we finished, us four missionaries climbed to the very top! It was crazy high and it was cool to see our entire area. Now my legs are sore but it was worth it!

At the top of the world looking over our area!

A little competition after our service project

One day durring the week, we were contacting and we had been going door to door for such a long time and we weren't having a ton of success. We had just contacted 2 houses in a row that were pastors that yelled many bad things and then a lady who was very strong in her religion that just hated us for some reason. I was unmotivated really, I mean I'm used to this happening eveyday but I started joking around and said to my comp, " how come all these people have awesome stories while contacting and meeting people who were praying for the missionaries to come by" and stuff like that. Two seconds later we contacted another house and out came a woman and her husband (actually married--this never happens) who were super excited to talk to us and wanted us to come by again in a couple of days! After that my comp started laughing at me and said "O ye of little faith" hahaha it was an awesome experience!

We had 3 people accept to be baptized this week so we are really praying they progress. The only bad part is that the weather is getting crazy hot and that means the people don't want to do anythingggggg. But God has his plan for everyone! 

So excited for Aubrey and Jeremy and the new baby Reggie! So sad I can't be there to see her :/ by the time I get back she'll be walking haha!
I hope you all have a great week and give Reggie lots of kisses from her favorite uncle.
-Elder Sessions

Hermana Teresa makes my favorite Baleadas!

My comp.....

Monday, April 6, 2015

Trincheras Week 13


Hows everyone doing?! Well as you all know, my dear Ambler left me this last week. He went to the zone that I was at before! Lucky dude. My new comp is Elder Matamoros! He's from Nicaragua! He's a nice guy and we get along really well. Best part is that he likes to talk and joke around so I feel like this changge will be great! Also Olivas got a new comp named Elder Bergstrom who is from AZ too! He's a bro so right now the house is really fun and we are having a good time. Excited for this week because now we have a normal work hours and the people are back from vacations! We have found a couple more new people so we are pumped for the work!

Elder Matamoros

Elder Bergstrom from AZ

The last day Ambler had in this area was also his birthday! He's so lucky because the members here are so nice so we had a great dinner to celebrate! Our friend Madisson and Josue made a tonnnn of hamburgers and fries and we had a sweet feast. I ate wayyyyy too much but everyone tells me I'm skinny so.... The end was the bad part....when Ambler walked outside they smashed 3 eggs on his head! And I was just there laughing and madission smashed one on my head! We smelt soooo bad.

One cool thing that has been happening lately in our area is activating the inactive people. There is a family in our area that have been members for many many years and all the sons have gone on missions and the dad was president of the branch along time ago. Well when I got here alllll of them hadn't been to church for almost a year. I`ll never know why they were inactive, but through doing activites, FHE, service and bothering them alot, they are all coming to church now! The son just got called as the ward mission leader! It's been so great to grow close to this family and see the change in their lives.

One of the activities we did with our investigators

General Conference! So awesome! I watched the conference in spanish and we didn't have the best internet so I'm excited to get the Liahona to study them better!

Love you guys thanks for all the support! Have a greattttt week! 
-Elder Sessions
