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Monday, April 6, 2015

Trincheras Week 13


Hows everyone doing?! Well as you all know, my dear Ambler left me this last week. He went to the zone that I was at before! Lucky dude. My new comp is Elder Matamoros! He's from Nicaragua! He's a nice guy and we get along really well. Best part is that he likes to talk and joke around so I feel like this changge will be great! Also Olivas got a new comp named Elder Bergstrom who is from AZ too! He's a bro so right now the house is really fun and we are having a good time. Excited for this week because now we have a normal work hours and the people are back from vacations! We have found a couple more new people so we are pumped for the work!

Elder Matamoros

Elder Bergstrom from AZ

The last day Ambler had in this area was also his birthday! He's so lucky because the members here are so nice so we had a great dinner to celebrate! Our friend Madisson and Josue made a tonnnn of hamburgers and fries and we had a sweet feast. I ate wayyyyy too much but everyone tells me I'm skinny so.... The end was the bad part....when Ambler walked outside they smashed 3 eggs on his head! And I was just there laughing and madission smashed one on my head! We smelt soooo bad.

One cool thing that has been happening lately in our area is activating the inactive people. There is a family in our area that have been members for many many years and all the sons have gone on missions and the dad was president of the branch along time ago. Well when I got here alllll of them hadn't been to church for almost a year. I`ll never know why they were inactive, but through doing activites, FHE, service and bothering them alot, they are all coming to church now! The son just got called as the ward mission leader! It's been so great to grow close to this family and see the change in their lives.

One of the activities we did with our investigators

General Conference! So awesome! I watched the conference in spanish and we didn't have the best internet so I'm excited to get the Liahona to study them better!

Love you guys thanks for all the support! Have a greattttt week! 
-Elder Sessions


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