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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Trincheras Week 15

Hey Fam!

Whoa what a fast week. The week started off pretty lame....Went to go to take out money from the mission card and the ATM machine ate my money. So I went to my personal card to take out money to help me till they fixed my card but not even my personal card was working. (5 different ATM's don't worry). It just wasn't my day haha worst part was that later that day we had to pay our cook and rent for the house! And I had ZERO money haha. The other Elders have been bros and are helping me out. 

We were able to help this lady carry water to her house the other day and when we finished we started to get to know her better. She has had many difficulties in her life and on top of everything her daughter passed away a couple weeks ago. She is a very sweet person and I feel like the Lord has been preparing her for the gospel. We felt the spirit so strongly and we were prompted to talk about family history and show pics of our families and teach about eternal families. She loves it so we hope so she can stop working on Sundays to come to church!

I think I've told you guys about how hard it is to marry down here right? Well it's almost impossible. So when you find married people its like a number one priority! Wellll this woman got baptized like 8 months ago when her husband was in the states working. He just got back recently and he is so awesome! We all hit it off super fast and he jokes around with us alot. His name is Helder which is just Elder because the H doesn't have sound. He's come to church a couple times and likes it alot. Hoping he continues to progress and that we can get them to the temple!

The weeks have been great this change. Us four in the house all get along really well and are always making jokes and having a good time. We have really started to get the trust of the ward and they support us more! I'm just loving the mission. Have a great week everyone!
-Elder Sessions

getting ice cream on pday

We left the door open and this kitty just walked right in like he owned the place!
I'm not complaining!

Having Pizza with some friends!

Having pollo con trajedas with investigators

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