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Monday, April 13, 2015

Trincheras Week 14

Hola gringos

Well this week was great! Started off with Interviews with president and that was awesome to see him. He truly is a man called from God! Im not going to lie...this week went by superrrrrrr fast and everyday we were just contacting and teaching and I dont have a ton of stories :/ just the normal missionary life. We did some service for a member that lives soooo far away up on the side of this mountain and when we finished, us four missionaries climbed to the very top! It was crazy high and it was cool to see our entire area. Now my legs are sore but it was worth it!

At the top of the world looking over our area!

A little competition after our service project

One day durring the week, we were contacting and we had been going door to door for such a long time and we weren't having a ton of success. We had just contacted 2 houses in a row that were pastors that yelled many bad things and then a lady who was very strong in her religion that just hated us for some reason. I was unmotivated really, I mean I'm used to this happening eveyday but I started joking around and said to my comp, " how come all these people have awesome stories while contacting and meeting people who were praying for the missionaries to come by" and stuff like that. Two seconds later we contacted another house and out came a woman and her husband (actually married--this never happens) who were super excited to talk to us and wanted us to come by again in a couple of days! After that my comp started laughing at me and said "O ye of little faith" hahaha it was an awesome experience!

We had 3 people accept to be baptized this week so we are really praying they progress. The only bad part is that the weather is getting crazy hot and that means the people don't want to do anythingggggg. But God has his plan for everyone! 

So excited for Aubrey and Jeremy and the new baby Reggie! So sad I can't be there to see her :/ by the time I get back she'll be walking haha!
I hope you all have a great week and give Reggie lots of kisses from her favorite uncle.
-Elder Sessions

Hermana Teresa makes my favorite Baleadas!

My comp.....

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