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Monday, April 27, 2015

Trincheras Week 16


Superrrr great week! Honduras is so funny. Today the news says it's a record temperature and that it's dangerous to be outside. So they cancelled school for all the kids. So now they are all playing soccer in the streets haha... Honduran logic. But its been crazy hot. My watch tan line is out of control. I feel like every 2 minutes I'm buying a bag of water. We are just covered in sweat! 2 days this week we did service in the morning and my poor comp was like passing out from heatstroke! 

Today is Elder Bergstroms bday! ( and Chloe too)  We had some Hostess ho ho's and put candles in them and sang happy bday. Then after soccer today we all went to Pizza Hut to celebrate! Really fun!

Earlier during the week Elder Olivas played a prank on my comp and I. My comp is the same as me and wouldn't let that go unpunished....Matamoros called for Olivas to come outside and when he came out, I was waiting on the second floor with a big bucket of water. Welllll Olivas got soaked! So now my comp and I sleeping with one eye open because Olivas is loco haha! Love being with my bros all the time.

I really love the ward here in Trincheras but they have like a big problem when it comes to missionary work. So we've started doing these activities with all the members and our investigators. And this week was the biggest one yet! We played Jeopardy but with gospel questions and it went great! They were all enjoying it and the investigators got more friends! It stinks that finally we got a ward missionary leader and the ward is helping us and I'm going to be leaving soon. Just gotta take advantage of it right now I guess!

This week we have finally starting seeing the fruits of our work! Investigators are progressing and we have been finding new people. I think the one of the greatest blessing I've been learning in the mission is the power of prayer. Never in my life have I found myself turning to prayer as my first reaction like here in the mission. It has brought me so much joy and peace being able to turn to my Heavenly Father during the mission. I know alot of you guys know but man the mission is STRESSFUL. Praying for patience and love for the people is the #1 one thing getting me through this mission. I can really feel like someone is listening and cares about about my problems. I know God lives and loves to hear from his children and I'm so grateful for my parents who taught me these principles all my life!

Hope you guys all have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

Didn't he say it was record high temperatures???

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