Blog Archive

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Villanueva Week 8

The Paz Family Baptism!!

Merry Christmas family!

Whoa what a jammed packed week again! I think Honduras forgot that we are in December because it's still 100 degrees....Hope you guys are enjoying your snow and jackets! We have been receiving more references this week so that's been nice! The high council member who is assigned to us is really great and is alwayssss talking to everyone and keeps us busy! The reference of Luis and Norma has been great! They actually came to church with their 2 littest kids and they really liked the classes and even participated! yay! Biggest problems would be the marrige and smoking but hey thats nothing right? haha

Ward Christmas party! Soooo fun to watch the whole ward dancing and having a good time. It was pretty stressful running all the errands for the members. We were the runners for when they forgot things in their houses so we were just going back and forth trying to help everyone out. And at the same time introducing members to investigators. But it all worked out and I ate lots of chicken :)

The Paz family got baptized! YAY! It was raining and when that happens no one leaves their house but we actually had good attendance and everything went great! They seemed happy and they even had family members there that looked very interested. Then during the sacrament they whispered in my ear, Hey today we can right? Their faces just lit up and they were so excited to partake of sacrament! That was one principle they understood so well and they have made their New Years goal to go to church every week! Exciting stuff!
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Love you tons!
-Elder Sessions

When dinner appointments fall through the back up plan is Pizza Hut!

Elder Sessions and Elder Porter!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Villanueva Week 7


Pretty jammed packed week! I'm just running on fumes now. It started out with the change meeting on Tuesday that took up alottt of the day! The bus ended braking down and Elders were late and everything was just falling apart. But finally everyone showed up and we were able to receive a couple of new missionaries that are really great! I can feel it it's going to be a great change.

 Then on Thursday we had conference with Elder Duncan, the President of the area! WOW. What power and authority. I really think he was able help the mission set some new goals and get us all more motivated. But on Friday things got real and we saw a different side of Elder Duncan! We had anotherrr conference with him and the zone leaders. It was alot different because he would walk around and got all up and personal in our faces and it was so intimidating! You had to be very attentive becasue he would personaly ask you a question and chew you out for answering wrong! I got really lucky and answered my question right so he wasn't to mean to me haha. I wouldn't say mean but definitely very strong. Which is good for us!

Normally these meetings last till 12 but Elder Duncan ended up talking till 1:00! The thing was that at 1:30 we had the wedding for the Paz family! and we were very far way. We didn't get to eat lunch and we just ran ran to the busses and taxis and finally got there but still kind of late. They hadn't started yet so were were able to enjoy everything with them! Very happy day! Saturday is the baptism! Praying all goes well! 
Have a fantastic week! 
-Elder Sessions

The Wedding!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Villanueva Week 6

Hey Family!

Finally good weather! Rain rain rain and cold nights! My clothes won't dry but you gotta sacrifice right? So this week ends this transfer. My comp doesnt have changes! We are going to be together one more transfer and my comp is ending his mission! He's the best so we are going to have a blast for his last change with Christmas and New Years yay!

The Apartment...small but good!

Well I don't have too much too write about this week so I'm going to give a couple updates on some people we are teaching! First we have this guy named Erick! He's 19 and is a less active member and they have a little girl together. He's veryyyy interesting. He's come a couple times to church and has more questions than I can count! But they are questions that actually make sense and it really has helped us to have really powerful lessons. His work schedule is terrible so he's not always able to go to church so we hope all works out. We got a referral of a family this week that seems like gold! There are 6 in the family and they have heard about the church and really like it. The fathers name is Luis. They just need to get married but they are both from Villanueva so it will be so much easier!

BEST NEWS. The wedding for sure is happening this week Friday! YAYAYA! They are so excited and awesome! we arent sure about the baptism yet but at least they can get the married thing out of the way.They are always at church early even if they work late, really good examples for everyone. We are praying all goes smoothly! 
Love you guys! Have a great week!


Jarom was hoping these shoes would last him until the end...

The Paz Family

Birthday of Elder Ordonez who just started the mission!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Villanueva Week 5

Doing interviews in Elder Porter's area! It's the best being with him!

Hey family!

We have been having a great P-day! In the moring the whole zone got together and played a bunch of games! Started off with capture the flag-which was so fun. Then we had a water balloon fight. It got pretty intense but also hilarious! Then we finished by playing basketball! Now I'm really tired but it was really nice to run around and do something different than soccer.

Thanksgiving week! yay! But for us Hondurans over here it was just a regular day. So we got the whole zone and we went to the new Pizza Hut that just opened up! It's the closest thing we could get....My zone is great!

Pizza Hut Thanksgiving!

So there is good news and sad news about the Paz family.....allll the papers are in and they finished everything! But they had a couple family problems and sickness with some relatives. Man it's not even funny how EVERY time someone is a step away from baptism Satan just comes along and makes everything fall apart. I feel sometimes that I want to take me brain out and just switch with them so they can just understand. But I know that through prayer they will come to realize how to be happy! The mission has been so great to see the importance of doing the Lords will and nothing else. What a blessing to be part of this gospel! I hope you continue to help the missionaries! Love you guys tons! Have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

This baby is the best! Makes me miss my nephews tho....