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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Villanueva Week 5

Doing interviews in Elder Porter's area! It's the best being with him!

Hey family!

We have been having a great P-day! In the moring the whole zone got together and played a bunch of games! Started off with capture the flag-which was so fun. Then we had a water balloon fight. It got pretty intense but also hilarious! Then we finished by playing basketball! Now I'm really tired but it was really nice to run around and do something different than soccer.

Thanksgiving week! yay! But for us Hondurans over here it was just a regular day. So we got the whole zone and we went to the new Pizza Hut that just opened up! It's the closest thing we could get....My zone is great!

Pizza Hut Thanksgiving!

So there is good news and sad news about the Paz family.....allll the papers are in and they finished everything! But they had a couple family problems and sickness with some relatives. Man it's not even funny how EVERY time someone is a step away from baptism Satan just comes along and makes everything fall apart. I feel sometimes that I want to take me brain out and just switch with them so they can just understand. But I know that through prayer they will come to realize how to be happy! The mission has been so great to see the importance of doing the Lords will and nothing else. What a blessing to be part of this gospel! I hope you continue to help the missionaries! Love you guys tons! Have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

This baby is the best! Makes me miss my nephews tho....

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