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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Villanueva Week 7


Pretty jammed packed week! I'm just running on fumes now. It started out with the change meeting on Tuesday that took up alottt of the day! The bus ended braking down and Elders were late and everything was just falling apart. But finally everyone showed up and we were able to receive a couple of new missionaries that are really great! I can feel it it's going to be a great change.

 Then on Thursday we had conference with Elder Duncan, the President of the area! WOW. What power and authority. I really think he was able help the mission set some new goals and get us all more motivated. But on Friday things got real and we saw a different side of Elder Duncan! We had anotherrr conference with him and the zone leaders. It was alot different because he would walk around and got all up and personal in our faces and it was so intimidating! You had to be very attentive becasue he would personaly ask you a question and chew you out for answering wrong! I got really lucky and answered my question right so he wasn't to mean to me haha. I wouldn't say mean but definitely very strong. Which is good for us!

Normally these meetings last till 12 but Elder Duncan ended up talking till 1:00! The thing was that at 1:30 we had the wedding for the Paz family! and we were very far way. We didn't get to eat lunch and we just ran ran to the busses and taxis and finally got there but still kind of late. They hadn't started yet so were were able to enjoy everything with them! Very happy day! Saturday is the baptism! Praying all goes well! 
Have a fantastic week! 
-Elder Sessions

The Wedding!

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