Blog Archive

Monday, December 7, 2015

Villanueva Week 6

Hey Family!

Finally good weather! Rain rain rain and cold nights! My clothes won't dry but you gotta sacrifice right? So this week ends this transfer. My comp doesnt have changes! We are going to be together one more transfer and my comp is ending his mission! He's the best so we are going to have a blast for his last change with Christmas and New Years yay!

The Apartment...small but good!

Well I don't have too much too write about this week so I'm going to give a couple updates on some people we are teaching! First we have this guy named Erick! He's 19 and is a less active member and they have a little girl together. He's veryyyy interesting. He's come a couple times to church and has more questions than I can count! But they are questions that actually make sense and it really has helped us to have really powerful lessons. His work schedule is terrible so he's not always able to go to church so we hope all works out. We got a referral of a family this week that seems like gold! There are 6 in the family and they have heard about the church and really like it. The fathers name is Luis. They just need to get married but they are both from Villanueva so it will be so much easier!

BEST NEWS. The wedding for sure is happening this week Friday! YAYAYA! They are so excited and awesome! we arent sure about the baptism yet but at least they can get the married thing out of the way.They are always at church early even if they work late, really good examples for everyone. We are praying all goes smoothly! 
Love you guys! Have a great week!


Jarom was hoping these shoes would last him until the end...

The Paz Family

Birthday of Elder Ordonez who just started the mission!

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