Blog Archive

Monday, September 28, 2015

Paraiso Week 2


Another great week in Paraiso! Rain rain rain and more rain! Humid as it gets! It's started to make everything super green and beautiful... it's amazing! 

So this area hasn't had much investigators so we're starting from scratch and contacting like crazy! It's been fun meeting all the members and finding new people. Kinda rough at the some time because almost everyone we talked to doesn't have the capacity to come to church! Either it's school or work on Sundays with everyyonnnne! And some special accounts with people who just refuse to wake up before 10 on Sundays! Who knew sleep could actually keep you from receiving all of God's blessing!

Working with Elder Jennings everyday has been a blast we just are cracking jokes all day long. We had a meeting with President Dester this week and I was talking to him after about how he put us 2 mesa kids together and he said he didn't even know! haha he said the changes are from revelation so that was kinda cool to know that God wants me to be here and to be working with Elder Jennings!

We actually found a great investigator this last week named Mirna. She's about 35 and is reallyyyy smart. Everything we teach she accepts and understands. We came back for another appointment and it turns out she's been readying the B.O.M. and read 1 Nephi 8 about Lehi's dream. She went through and explained it alllll in detail and I was amazed. Great things are in store!

Love you guys! 
-Elder Sessions

This is Pancho who takes care of the house

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Kiddos playing drums with bottles and buckets

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Paraiso Week 1

Hey Familia!

Wow what a change! Well it was sad to leave all my friends I felt like I was only there for a such a short time! So it turns out I got sent to a zone pretty far away called Yojoa! My area name is Paraiso! The best part is my new companion. His name is Elder Jennings and he is from Mesa! He ALSO went to Mountain View! So crazy right? Well, we get along great and are always laughing so these last couple of days have been a blast. He's been out 8 months! He has had 2 changes in the area before I got here. We share the area with 2 other Elders! One Elder from Honduras and Elder Ambler! Remember him? I was with him in Las Trincheras for 2 changes! It's been so fun to be with him again!

The area is pretty small but there is a tonnnnn of less actives so we got our plate full. The people are a little bit poorer here and live in the mountains just scraping by. I feel really bad for them but it's been great we have done a couple of service projects for them like going to find wood and chopping it! ( I broke the axe so I had to buy a new one... I've been working out too much.)

I'm excited for the weeks to come to start to know the area and get some great investigators! I really think our branch will help us a ton so keep your fingers crossed! It's been raining a lot and one night we had to run home from the top of a huge mountain and it was the funniest thing of my life. Elder Jennings kept pushing me and stuff and we got mud alllll over I thought we were going to fall because the hill was legit straight downward. Love the mission memories!

I forgot to get pics of the house so next week! Have a great week! 
-Elder Sessions

18 month mark...time to burn something else...

Naco Week 18

P-day Soccer


This week Honduras celebrated day of kids! Pretty much they just buy like 500 piƱatas and give everyone coca cola and candy. The kids go crazy all day! It was fun! We got to celebrate a little at the end of the day and help the kids it was hilarious!

Dia de Nino

Well it was a crazy rainy week so when the power went out I would put the mattress on the ground by the door to get some air! It felt great! Coming home super muddy everyday is for sure getting old!

Well it's my last couple of days here in Naco so its been crazy! I feel like I've been here for a year and it's going to be hard to leave the people here! But the change will be great and I get to meet new people and see more places in Honduras! Exciting stuff! I don't have much stuff to say this week I'm sorry but for sure next week you all will get the update! Thank you all for the prayers!
-Elder Sessions

Last Pictures From Naco
Little Fergi. She is the cutest!


Familia Hernandez from Naco. Best Family ever!

Brian and Melissa from Naco. Great Family!

Breakfast Yum!

Doing service at Olga's House

Making baleadas!

P-day soccer

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Naco Week 17

My Zone!

Well its been a pretty fast week but full of great experiences! Rained mucho so that has been nice. This morning we woke up to a bunch of bees trying to make a home on our front porch! After using the broom, house and fire they finally have decided to move their casa to a new place. I only got stung a little bit..I call it a win.

In Naco there is a family called Lorenzo that got baptized a year ago. There are like 6 kids but only 3 of them and the mom got baptized. They are pretty active and we always go by to share lessons and stuff like that. The whole family normally joins us and they have a daughter named Ericka. She's about 26 and every time we invite her to go to church she just shruggs it off and moves on. Well the last 3 weeks she has come to church out of the blue and we had a lesson with her and she completely opened up and says she has felt the spirit that she needs to take her 3 kids to church and follow the commandments of God. Truly a great experience and she asked me to give the blessing of her new baby in church yesterday! 

Ericka's brother Erick who is 16 now and wants to baptize his sister.

So it happened......SADYN GOT BAPTIZED!!!! ahhhhhh what a great/special/spiritual/exciting day! I had the opportunity to baptize her and Elder Coniam baptized her daughter Nohelia! We actually had some people come from Naco to support her so that was nice! The Bishop even came! Idk why I was so nervous but everything went smoothly and everyone could feel the spirit. She is going to be a HUGE help for Naco.

Dinner at Sadyn's

Sadyn gave us Honduran shirts!

Overall a great week! Someone tried to brake in to our house again but got caught so that's been our drama for the week haha but all is good thank you all for your prayers!
-Elder Sessions

Divisions Elder Quiroz

With Sister Fatima

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Naco Week 16

I'm a moto taxi driver!

August 31, 2015


Wow what a greattttt week! Everything has been working out... it's been so great. At the beginning honestly we had alot of difficulties. We have been doing alot for Naco and at the activities none of the members would do their part. We've just praying really hard for new men investigators and that everyone can start reading the Book of Mormon. And the result was just a week of blessings! 

We were able to find a couple families that all had uncles and brothers and cousins that have accepted our message! And it's been so crazy to see that they all have the opportunity to assist the church. Most are married or they are single. It's just a huge breath of fresh air because there is hardly any complete families here! For about 2 weeks we have been teaching this family and had really great experiences. The father is a Pastor in some random church but since they moved he doesn't go anymore. He's very smart and really understands everything we teach! He reads the Book of Mormon and even fills out all the questions in the pamphlets! Well the other day we stop by and he tells us that he's received an answer that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church here in the earth! I was just like amazed because he's like a hard core Pastor! But it's been great with them. They just have to focus on getting married and they will be such a strength for Naco.

Sadyn has like crazy progressed and is more active then the active members! haha. She has started to wake up at 5 every morning to read the B.O.M. and take notes and every day she tells us what she learns and it's been such a big answer to our prayers with her! She said she would like to be baptized this next week so we will see how it goes! She's also has given 5 Book of Mormons to her friends! We told her that if we wanted a church one day we need more men. So she just invites EVERYONE! super awesome.

Denia got baptized! Great week for her. We had a lesson with her earlier and she told us that her entire family has been making fun of her for going to the church. They have been saying many mean comments and she told us she just locked herself in her room and began to read the B.O.M. and felt peace and love come to her and she didn't fight at all with her family! She's such a great example for her family... maybe in the future they will want what she has. Which is what every active member of the church has: HAPPINESS.

On top of all this great stuff we broke record attendance at church this week! 59! Great feeling to see the hand of the Lord. 
Love you guys mucho!
-Elder Sessions

Playing the Cookie Game: You gotta get the cookie from your forehead to your mouth
only using the muscles of your face!

Divisions with Elder Castillo

Making dinner with Olga and Melissa