Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Naco Week 18

P-day Soccer


This week Honduras celebrated day of kids! Pretty much they just buy like 500 piñatas and give everyone coca cola and candy. The kids go crazy all day! It was fun! We got to celebrate a little at the end of the day and help the kids it was hilarious!

Dia de Nino

Well it was a crazy rainy week so when the power went out I would put the mattress on the ground by the door to get some air! It felt great! Coming home super muddy everyday is for sure getting old!

Well it's my last couple of days here in Naco so its been crazy! I feel like I've been here for a year and it's going to be hard to leave the people here! But the change will be great and I get to meet new people and see more places in Honduras! Exciting stuff! I don't have much stuff to say this week I'm sorry but for sure next week you all will get the update! Thank you all for the prayers!
-Elder Sessions

Last Pictures From Naco
Little Fergi. She is the cutest!


Familia Hernandez from Naco. Best Family ever!

Brian and Melissa from Naco. Great Family!

Breakfast Yum!

Doing service at Olga's House

Making baleadas!

P-day soccer

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