Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Paraiso Week 1

Hey Familia!

Wow what a change! Well it was sad to leave all my friends I felt like I was only there for a such a short time! So it turns out I got sent to a zone pretty far away called Yojoa! My area name is Paraiso! The best part is my new companion. His name is Elder Jennings and he is from Mesa! He ALSO went to Mountain View! So crazy right? Well, we get along great and are always laughing so these last couple of days have been a blast. He's been out 8 months! He has had 2 changes in the area before I got here. We share the area with 2 other Elders! One Elder from Honduras and Elder Ambler! Remember him? I was with him in Las Trincheras for 2 changes! It's been so fun to be with him again!

The area is pretty small but there is a tonnnnn of less actives so we got our plate full. The people are a little bit poorer here and live in the mountains just scraping by. I feel really bad for them but it's been great we have done a couple of service projects for them like going to find wood and chopping it! ( I broke the axe so I had to buy a new one... I've been working out too much.)

I'm excited for the weeks to come to start to know the area and get some great investigators! I really think our branch will help us a ton so keep your fingers crossed! It's been raining a lot and one night we had to run home from the top of a huge mountain and it was the funniest thing of my life. Elder Jennings kept pushing me and stuff and we got mud alllll over I thought we were going to fall because the hill was legit straight downward. Love the mission memories!

I forgot to get pics of the house so next week! Have a great week! 
-Elder Sessions

18 month mark...time to burn something else...

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