Blog Archive

Monday, September 28, 2015

Paraiso Week 2


Another great week in Paraiso! Rain rain rain and more rain! Humid as it gets! It's started to make everything super green and beautiful... it's amazing! 

So this area hasn't had much investigators so we're starting from scratch and contacting like crazy! It's been fun meeting all the members and finding new people. Kinda rough at the some time because almost everyone we talked to doesn't have the capacity to come to church! Either it's school or work on Sundays with everyyonnnne! And some special accounts with people who just refuse to wake up before 10 on Sundays! Who knew sleep could actually keep you from receiving all of God's blessing!

Working with Elder Jennings everyday has been a blast we just are cracking jokes all day long. We had a meeting with President Dester this week and I was talking to him after about how he put us 2 mesa kids together and he said he didn't even know! haha he said the changes are from revelation so that was kinda cool to know that God wants me to be here and to be working with Elder Jennings!

We actually found a great investigator this last week named Mirna. She's about 35 and is reallyyyy smart. Everything we teach she accepts and understands. We came back for another appointment and it turns out she's been readying the B.O.M. and read 1 Nephi 8 about Lehi's dream. She went through and explained it alllll in detail and I was amazed. Great things are in store!

Love you guys! 
-Elder Sessions

This is Pancho who takes care of the house

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Kiddos playing drums with bottles and buckets

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