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Monday, February 22, 2016

Villanueva Week 17


Many great experiences this week. Ahhh i just love being a missionary! I feel sad that it will soon all come to an end. But we are living to the fullest! I had a powerful testimony builder of prayer this week! We had a multi zone meeting this week where are the ZL's have to teach 3 different sessions for about an hour and a half. I was really worried because I woke up with a really sore throat and i could hardly get a word out. But when it came time to talk I just said a little prayer asking God to help me with what He wanted me to say and that I could do it without pain and that they could understand me. The moment we started to teach the sore throat was gone! And for the next hour and a half we talked and talked and as soon as the classes ended it started to come back. It was such a blessing! It was a really important topic for us missionaries and I know that Heavenly Father wanted it to be taught!

It's been so great to see the progression of the Paz family! This Sunday Javier received the priesthood and has been able to bless his family in many great ways. It would be great to come back and see them go through the temple. We are teaching Lourdes sister and she came with them to church and she loves it! And then there's she found a job...she started to sell tortillas. And if you sell tortillas you sell alllll the days of the week. even Sundays! AHHH so frustrating she doesn't understand...butttt maybe it's not her time! I know she knows it's true so when she's ready she will progress greatly! I love you all! Start making plans to come to my Homecoming talk on March 13th! ;) 
-Elder Sessions
(He didn't have his camera with him today so no Pictures until next week...)

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