Blog Archive

Monday, February 15, 2016

Villanueva Week 16

Hey family!

Pretty exciting week! Today all morning we played basketball and soccer and we are just dead! Good way to start a new week. Exciting news this week for our stake! We got a new President! It's a pretty big deal for us because we always have meetings with him. It was great to see the whole stake center full and to hear the words of Elder Alonso from the Seventy! Also President Dester was there... it felt like conference! They all talked about such important things that were perfect to say. They focused alot on the importance of making sacrament meeting more spiritual and doing all the little things that make it run more smoothy. We also get a new bishop soon so its going to be cool to see what happens. And I only have a couple more weeks to enjoy it ahhh!

So these last couple of weeks our investigators have been up and down. I feel like we have a great lesson and it's all going good and they will even read and everything. But when we come back I feel like we have to start from round one again! Most of the people we teach have many family members and friends who are against the church so it makes it kinda rough. We are just praying and searching for those prepared people that want to take this great step of faith! Love being a missionary and I love this beautiful gospel! 
-Elder Sessions

Enrique's Birthday

Painting a room with Elder Porter

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