Blog Archive

Monday, February 29, 2016

Villanueva Week 18

Hey everyone!

Ahhhh what a fast week! We had to do a couple divisiones with some other elders and we had to do a bunch of interviews. We felt super busy! Just running back and forth to all the areas in the zone. But all the missionaries are doing so well and are having success! Our ward still does not have a bishop and it's been rough. And the counselors work at night so we have had to run all the night activities. It's been fine but I miss having more order! Hopefully they can call a new bishop's been 2 months now!

Great experiences with Gabby! We have been visiting her with the young women leaders and she's opening up more and more and has changed a ton! She is very free spirited and says whatever is on her mind and it's been hard for her to live the commitments we have left her. But she has been reading and praying with her parents and I can see and feel the difference in their home. She, along with her aunt Roseli, have accepted a date so we are hoping they continue to progress!

One family we used to teach a while ago,the Gamez family, just contacted us and have decided to get married finally! They still have alot of challenges but they have the desire! They even came to church all together with some family and had a good experience. They both work so it will be hard for them to go to the capital to take out there papers but I know they will be able to! Other than this I'm just living up these last weeks! It's been so fun to get to know the members more. I love it here! 
I Hope you all have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

Moto Taxi

Sister Raquel

Duran Family

Elders Porter and Sessions looking dapper at a fancy house they visited.

Lots of rain...and mud!

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