Blog Archive

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Villanueva Week 15


Everything is going great here with Elder Marte! We had a successful week even tho my comp sick. He had the same thing I had last week but it looks like he is doing better today. Just in time for Pday how lucky? haha This week was full of random stuff! First we had an amazing meeting with President Dester and all the district and zone leaders and I got to see all my friends! President was so great to motivate us and we all learned so much! Almost all of the leaders are new so it was nice to get help from President!

This week we were able to share the Restoration movie with a family and wow what an experience! I've always loved showing this movie to our investigators. It brings the spirit soooo strongly into a home and I really feel they come to understand who Joseph Smith really was. (Here everyone talks bad about him). Afterwards we gave some time to the family members to comment about their feelings and ask some questions and I just could feel each one of them receiving a testimony about the Prophet! They came to church and had a great experience. Testifying of Joseph Smith is one of the most powerful tools in bringing the people to this perfect gospel! I hope you are all well and are helping your missionaries out! 
Love you guys!
-Elder Sessions

Looking forward to electric washing and drying machines!

with Elder Berstrom!

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