Blog Archive

Monday, February 1, 2016

Villanueva Week 14

Hey everyone!

Sweet week here with Elder Marte! We had divisions for a couple days and I just love my zone! They are just so fun and hard working. Today we all went to the waterfall and it was a blast! So we got a bunch of new leaders called in our ward and it's been fun to visit with them and to help the ward grow. What we have been doing for each organization is we take out the list of all the people that we have that are inactive or don't really come much to church. It's been nice to help them understand more the responsibility that we have to take care of those new members and I really hope as we continue to do this we can see results! It's a huge challenge here to keep visiting and helping the new people but It just requires love and some sacrifice but I know all will work out.

A while ago I commented about the Castro family, they are doing great! Well the mother Norma and her kids have been coming to church and they love it! Norma is so funny we just laugh all the time and we have gained her trust so much. She's like a sponge and really understands all we teach! She is living with a man named Luis but she's in a tough spot of not wanting to be with him and marrying him so we just gotta wait for her to make a decision! 
I hope you all have a great week love you tons! 
-Elder Sessions

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