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Monday, February 1, 2016

Villanueva Week 13

My new companion Elder Marte

Hey family!

I got my new comp! His name is Elder Marte and he's from the Domincan Republic! The best part is that we have been great friends since the start of the mish! We were both hoping that he would come here with me! We are excited to be working together and to help this ward grow. 

This week has been pretty rough with getting sick. I got one of those weird sickness that got going around here and it's kept me from getting out of the bed alot this week. I'm really hoping to start feeling better but today I woke up with all my joints being swollen...hope this week will be different!

We were able to share a message with alllll the ward councils of our stake and it was so great! It was like 150 of all the awesome members ready to help with the missionary work! We were in charge of teaching the new stake missionary plan and help the ward councils get on board. Our  ward mission leader has been so great. He has been giving us references and helping the members get more involved. We are hoping to keep this going!
Well its a short letter this week sorry! Have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

Saying Goodbye to some friends...

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