Blog Archive

Monday, January 18, 2016

Villanueva Week 12

Our Area

Hey family!

Pretty weird/crazy/fast week! My comp Elder Tello is leaving for his home tomorrow! AH so insane! Man it is hard to be the comp of an elder finishing his 2 years....but don't worry I'm not baggy! haha This week has been busy for him saying bye to everyone, buying stuff and packing. It's going to be sad to see him go, he's been a great friend and I know he's going to help alot of people back in Peru! The weird part is I only have one transfer now! I will have a new comp and half the zone will be new with 4 people training! It's going to be awesome!

This week we had a couple of sweet service projects. The first one was as a zone we went to chop a huge field for a member. But when I say huge I mean it's a huge farm haha! But us 14 missionaries did work and got alot done! It was sooooo hot and I got sunburned alot. Then the other one was funny. This less inactive family needed help moving into their new house. They live at the bottom of a huge mountain and when we asked where we were taking the stuff they said "oh just right down the road". HA it was straighttttt up the mountain with just little passage ways all the way up carrying huge sofas and tables hahaha it was rough but it was good to help them!

We are very excited for this transfer! Lots of plans. Our Bishop is moving to Guatemala so the 2nd counselor of the stake is going to take over. And he's is so great! He's super motivated and loves missionary work. We have lots planned with him and always our new ward mission leader is pumped and has given us so many references! Along with those two we have a high counselor assigned to our ward that also is working with us a ton! Great things are in store! 
Hope you all have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

A family made us sushi...I survived it!

A great family in our ward

New members Br. and Sis. Paz have new church callings in Young Women and Sunday School!

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