Blog Archive

Monday, January 11, 2016

Villanueva Week 11

I like this picture because Jarom is in the front
instead of the back where he usually is in these photos!

Hey familia!

What a busy week! Just meeting after meeting! We had interviews President Dester, the leadership meeting, stake leaders conference with Elder Valledares of the 70, and divisions and interviews for the other elders. Lots of bus rides! And 2 sets of Elders are changing houses and we are in charge of finding and approving the new ones and meeting the old and new landlords. Ah we hardly got to be in our area it seems like! But we were still able to have some great lessons and had a good turnout at church. Which was good because I was able to give a talk! This is the second one I have given here in Villanueva and it's always a great experience helping the members get motivated for mission work!

I couple great investigators came to church this week so that was great to see their desire to learn more! They all need to get married and they don't really like that idea so we are praying that they come to have a testimony and will do the right thing! 

It's been so amazing how the world is changing and to see how much we members of the church need to step our game up. I've been reading out of the conference talks lately and the talk from President Monson, "Be an Example and a Light". He did a fantastic job explaining that as members of the church we are looked at as different and it's because we ARE different! And how we need to shine our light for those to see though charity, spirit, faith and purity. 
He says, "Each of us came to earth having been given the Light of Christ. As we follow the example of the Savior and live as He lived and as He taught, that light will burn within us and will light the way for others."
I just thought that was a great way for each of us as member missionaries to help share the gospel and live happier lives! 
Love you all Have a great week!
Elder Sessions

Yummy beef soup!

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