Blog Archive

Monday, January 4, 2016

Villanueva Week 10

Hey everyone!

Pretty great week! 2016!! So crazy right?! 2 wards share our church building so now we change from 8 to 10! What a blessing haha. Record attendence at church! This time of the year is so special for missionary work. Alot of people are looking for change or for something better than last year and that's where we come in! We have been able to have many spiritual experiences talking about the atonement of Jesus Christ. Here in this area we have found that many many people have addictions and it's such a blessing to have a loving Savior to help each one of to become clean and happy.

It's been kinda hard having to drop investigators lately. Alot of people just don't want to keep commitments and don't have a desire to learn more! Sad but oh well! We are hoping that with more members going to church that we can start getting more references to find some new people! 

A family invited all of the missionaries of our zone for New Years and we ate tons of food and saw a ton of fireworks! These people are crazy...we couldn't even see there was so much smoke in the air. 

Happy new years to you guys! 
Love you tons!
-Elder Sessions

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