Blog Archive

Monday, October 26, 2015

Paraiso Week 6

Hey family!!

Super fast week and so many memories with everyday being an adventure! Not too many big stories just alot of contacting and visiting members! This week was the week of the family here in our stake and we had a great turn out every night! Each organization in the church took turns teaching a topic and our investigators and less actives really seemed to like it! ( I think it was for the refresments that they had afterwards but oh well). The last day was the talent show! Pretty crazy and weird but hey everyone had a good time!

One couple came to the activity named Jose and Anna. Jose is the son of the Pres. of Relief Soceity Sister Alba and has been inactive for a couple years. We have started teaching him and his girfriend and they are really motivated! Anna even read a good part of the B.O.M. before we met her and she loves it! We all get along really well and Sister Alba is hilarious so I'm excited to keep teaching them and to watch them progress and get married!

We are still in the fight looking for more investigators with the ability to go to church on Sundays. So many of the people here work in factories that just have the worst work hours I have ever seen. But we know all will get better! Other than that we are pretty sure Elder Jennings has changes this week! So sad....the time went by way too fast! Hopfully he stays.... I forgot my camera with my photos! I'm so sorry... so next week double photos! These 2 are from my comp! I love you guys... throw me an email when you can! 
-Elder Sessions

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