Blog Archive

Monday, October 5, 2015

Paraiso Week 3

Hey fammm

What a FANTASTIC week! Today we just got back from a waterfall in our zone called Pulha! I actually went there one of my first Pdays in the mission...idk if you'll remember the pics. But this time it was a blast! We had a cool AZ group and all the gringo Elders played football after in a huge field and it was so fun! The water fall was coming down so hard we just got soakeddd but it was worth it!

Funny story this
week! ( funny to me not to Elder Jennings). So our area has a bunch of little passage ways we have to take and one of them is pretty sketch. It's like 2 feet wide with one side being a mountain and the other side is like a 8 foot drop. During the night there are zero lights and I was like holding the side of the mountain and Elder Jennings was laughing at me and then he accidentally slipped off the side and scraped up his knee! Poor kid. It taught me to not laugh at people who are being cautious haha

I finally had a great opportunity to watch conference in English! All the gringos from the zone went to the Stake center and got to watch it! What a power conference! I was just amazed by all the great talks and the new Apostles. I was applying many towards the missionary life and also as a return missionary and it was great to get motivated to be a better person and focus and the things that are actually important. As we speak I am downloading them to listen to again! 

Priesthood Session of General Conference

Playing Uno between Sessions

Kinda cool story about our investigator Mirna again! We planned for a friend of hers that was a member to pass by her house on the way to church. They both knew and it was all set. It turns out her friend was running kind of behind and takes a moto taxi to get to church. She had completely forgotten about Mirna! At the precise moment as the moto taxi passed by Mirna's house, the taxi shut off! She got out and noticed Mirnas house right in front of her face and had the 'Oh shoot" moment and yelled "Mirna are you ready?!" and Mirna replied that she was ready to go! Just AWESOME how our loving Heavenly Father works right?
Well I hope all goes well this week for you guys! You're always in my prayers!
-Elder Sessions

Sweet wall art. (I posted this picture because of the shirt Jarom is wearing.
"It's a sweet typical shirt that the Indians use here!
A member in my second area pretty much gifted it to me!
She owns a store that sell stuff like that."
He is getting culturized(new word)!!

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