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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Paraiso Week 4

Coconuts are great after a hard days work!


We had so much fun last week playing football! After visiting the waterfall we decided to get everyone together and play again this week but in a normal big field. It was so fun! All the Latinos actually wanted to learn and we had a blast and got sunburned like crazy.

This week was a week of service projects. We are so blessed to be in an area where the majority of the members love the missionaries! They treat us like their own children and it's been a great feeling. They give us so much so we are always able to help them out and chop their grass or cut fire wood. This week was extreme because every day we got to help different families and now i feel dead! The craziest one was we had to carry cinder blocks up and down a huge mountain in our area and we just put 3 or 2 on our shoulders and man it took for ever. Seriously we couldn't move after it was intense! But It was great to help because they gifted the blocks for a family that doesn't have a house! I'm pretty sure I sent a pic of me in front of a huge field we had to chop that was really crazy as well. It was just a huge property. But we got blessed with pure clouds all morning and I didn't even feel that it was hot! We also got to clean our landlords pool and that was crazy! We found this snake and it scared us like crazy but it was a fun time! But overall it's great to help the people here and I hope when i come home I can continue to do the same!

We were able to have Interviews with Pres. Dester this week and that's always the best. He is honestly one of the most loving and spiritual people I have ever met! Such an example for all the missionaries. He always knows exactly what to say! 

Well I hope next week I will have more stories for you guys. Just keeping busy here. Thank you for everything!
-Elder Sessions

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