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Monday, August 17, 2015

Naco Week 14

Andrea and Daniel

Hola Family!

Pretty great week! Also a little stressful. A little bit of everything! Honestly time is just flying by with Elder Coniam. Always a funny comment coming out of his mouth to make me laugh. Not a whole lot to comment on this week but really just walking and teaching you know how it goes! Contacting is not very effective here so we rely on references like crazy. But Hondurans are naturally so shy so its hard to get them out of their comfort zones. But they are starting to trust us more so we will see how it goes!

Really funny experience this week! We were teaching a family outside their house and it was going great. She was cooking chuleta( like fried pig) for us and it was in the kitchen on a plate and all the sudden we hear a CRASH and a dog runs out with a huge piece of meat in his mouth! He ate all of them and the last one made the plate fall! The worst part was he came back like 10 minutes later to see if there was more hahaha it was hilarious!

Well Andrea(15) and Daniel(12) were able to get baptized this week and they were so happy! They have been waiting for a long time now and they noticed a big change in their lives! Sadyn is doing great and her testimony is growing everyday. Little bits of challenges but she is still excited for her baptism! 

Well I just have lots pics this week soooo have a great week love you guys!
-Elder Sessions

Activity with the church and they had cake afterwards!

Andreas birthday and we go tto fill her face with flour and eggs but that is tradition so don't get mad at me! 

Birthday cake and dinner

Divisions with Elder Paraso from Utah!

Masapan-it's like a potato

Putting up the sign for our church--epic!!

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