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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Naco Week 15

Hey fam!

Kind of a busy week! Tuesday we had a multi- zone conference and it was great to see alot of friends. Then on Saturday we got to hear from President Nelson who was in the Capital! It was so cool to hear his stories! He was HILARIOUS. He would call up some Elders and just make fun of them it was great. He said that we need to have the gospel in our bone marrow. Then he said, so when we give a bone transplant its like spreading the gospel hahahha it was so funny. At that conference I got to see everyyonneeeee it was so nice!

Elder Ambler!

With Elders Porter and Dye

One night I was sleeping and woke up to a spider biting me on my hand! for 2 days my hand was all puffy and red and it itched like crazy! But it finally went down so I'm good now but it was pretty sketch because the spider was HUGE.

I was able to do divisions with the Elders in San Marcos which is forever away so that was also a fun experience! 

Divisions with Elder Quiros who is from Bolivia

Really that's alllll about that happened.....sorry....just alot of contacting and trying to find men! On Sunday we gave talks, taught the gospel principles class, and gave a lesson to everyone in the 3rd hour alllll about missionary work! It was alot of talking but it really helped everyone understand their role in the work and we got everyone pumped so we will see  how these weeks go! Love you guys have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

Lunch with Sadyn and some members

I just had to take a pic with my best friend Taylor Swift!

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