Blog Archive

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Naco Week 13

Hey Family!

Pretty awesome week! A lot of success which is just a great feeling. We got a new record of people at church! 54 people! and 9 of our investigators showed up so that was so amazing to see their desire to learn more. Here in Naco I've come to notice that the church is just attacked and attacked and the people who talk to us or who receive us or come to church, get hazed or made fun of. It's really sad but it really shows who the courageous ones are! This last week we had a couple problems with internet pages that were against the church and we lost a lot of great investigators. :( It's pretty sad but maybe with time they will come to realize the truth.

We were able to help again get and chop firewood for the activities the church is doing! We got to help sell the bread and other typical Honduran foods! November they are going to the temple so it's to save for the bus! So our job is to find everyone we can to fill that bus up!

Our investigator Deña is so great and she's is a huge example for her family! They don't want her to get baptized but she told us that she doesn't listen to them and she knows this is the true church! The only problem is that she lives right next to the bishop....over an hour walking to the middle of nowhere haha. We have to do it a lot and it's always a funny experience. Everyone just stares at us like wild animals because they haven't seen missionaries before! But if all goes well she will get baptized with Sadyn this week! For an activity in church Sadyn was challenged to give a B.O.M. to a friend and she found this guy named Arnold and he seems so prepared! Investigators finding investigators!

This last week was changes but I lucked out and me and Coniam are still together! I'm the district leader of 8 missionaries and they are all so great! The only problem is that they live like forever way. This with be a change of success! Some times it seems we have so many challenges or problems and really they end up being so small and we can find the hand of the Lord helping us everyday. I Love being a missionary and helping people come unto Christ!
Love you guys!
-Elder Sessions

Hermana Hilda is the best!

Just taking the bike for a spin...

My shoes are falling apart!

Walking the Long and Dusty road!

1 comment:

  1. We love you, Elder Sessions! Keep up the wonderful work!
    The Kleinman's
    P.S. (That last message was from us, too:)
