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Monday, July 13, 2015

Naco Week 9

Hey everyone!

Well this week's letter is going to be a little different. Honestly don't have a tonnnn to say but over all it was a good week. It was a little rough through the days because any appointment that we had set for the day with someone fell through. I really can't think of any appointments that didn't fall through!  So it was a lot of contacting. Alllll day. We took time to know more of our areas and talk to people that have never seen missionaries so that was nice. Hard to get people to progress without the help of members but we are trying our best!

Sunday was actually the best day because our attendance went from 20-25 to 50! It was great to see so many investigators and less active people come to church. We ran out of chairs but that's a whole different problem haha. Sergio came to church which was a huge blessing! He loved it and got along really well with the members. Katy, well her real name is Sadyn so I'm going to call her that now... is so amazing! She is going through some really hard trials but keeps on going! She loves the church and already has a lot of friends! Great Blessings! well I hope you all have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

On divisions with Elder Ruiz

Baby birds in a nest on our porch

This water has gone bad...I think...

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