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Monday, July 13, 2015

Naco Week 8

Hey family!
4th of July! yaaaaa! And I'm really lucky I'm with a gringo so we got to celebrate together. I mean we had sparklers so it wasn't too crazy haha. 

Elder Conium and I had a great week here in Naco and we were able to have success! We even had 2 members leave with us to help teach! The hermana Olga who only has one day free from work went with us to everyyyy appt. we had! I really can't describe how amazing this woman is! 6 months as a member and a super strong testimony. And the best part is she knows everyyyyone in Naco so that helps alot.

Making corn tortillas with Olga
We had one day this week where we went to the bishops house to help him on the farm. It was alotttt of work but man did we have a fun time! We started out by branding like 10 cows! It was my favorite part because we got to catch and tackle the cow and watching everyone fall in poop was great. Then for a couple hours we had to haul all of their food which was like mushed up pineapple peels! Smelt so bad because they got hot. Then after we helped put some big posts in for a new roof for the cows. It was great to help out the bishop because he does alot for the ward and really helps alot of people!

One cool experience this week was with a new investigator Sergio. He's like 45 and has lived in the states for more than half of his life and speaks like perfect english. We ended up giving the lesson in English and let me tell you that was the hardest thing of my life.....Like I can talk fine in english but talking about the gospel in english is rough man. He recently had a heart attack and can't work and has zero family. He's going through some very hard trials and has lost all hope in God. We were able to have a very good lesson with him and I could really see him feeling the truth. Teaching of the Lord's atonement makes every lesson a great lesson. Our other investigator Katy has recently had a couple trials and it's amazing to see the hand in the Lord preparing these people for the gospel. She said before she wouldn't have received us because her life was so good she didn't need God. She accepted her baptismal date so it's been a blast teaching her! Love being a missionary! This Church is true!
Love you all!
-Elder Sessions

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