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Monday, July 20, 2015

Naco Week 10

Hey Family!

Really long week this week! I don't know if it was the heat or the walking all day but overall busy busy week. We had interviews with President Dester and that's always nice. He really knows how to talk to us and is a really loving guy. A couple good days this week and a couple so-so days! On Saturday I was so stoked because every hour was full with a set appt and we had a couple members that were going to help us. Well it didn't turn out how we wanted.....There was some huge accident in San Pedro and since there is only a one lane road that goes all through Honduras, traffic was backed up for hoursssss. Everyyyyy single appt fell through because they all work in San Pedro or go there for errands. It was so annoying to change plans but it got better when we were able to find some new familyies to teach. The Lords has his own time frame I guess!

Sadyn is doing sooooo great. She is one of those golden investigators that everyone prays for! Anything we give her to read she reads and really studies! During church and our lessons she takes notes and I have noticed a huge change in her life. They are shutting down the plant where she works at and she tells me, " Elder don't worry I'm only looking for job where I don't have to work Sundays" I was just blown away! Because the people that work on Sundays get a lot more money so it's a huge sacrifice. I dont know if you remember Olga but she and Sadyn are homies so that really helps.

Our best friend - Sadyn's little girl

Remember the Hermana Gloria that left to Costa Rica? Well we have taught her daughter who is 20 he name is Kelly and she is getting baptized in August! She is awesome and really loves the church. But she lives in San Pedro in a different ward The other 2 kids that Gloria has, Andrea and Daniel, as well will get baptized with her! They come to church every week and have grown so much in the gospel. They constantly tell us about how the church helps them not fight as much and how happy they are now! 

So everything is going normal here you could say I hope you all have a great week! Thank you for the prayers!
-Elder Sessions

Honduran logic - using a knife to hand up the curtain!

The power went out=Baleadas for dinner

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