Blog Archive

Monday, July 27, 2015

Naco Week 11

Hey family!

Finally I'm able to write! Power has been out and it keeps going out and coming back. Hope this makes it to you guys. Played some soccer today so that was fun! I got like a year of playing and still get schooled by 13 year olds. It's all good cause I'm gonna keep practicing. 

Interesting week! The lights have been going out a lot at nighttime so sleeping has been hard...sweating to death! Besides that we had a great week! Really had some amazing lessons and people are progressing! It's funny our investigators are more active than most of the members! They always come to activities and are at church on time! It's been a great blessing.

Funny story! Wellllll for me at least. So I was on divisions in a different area and when we got back to their house after working we noticed that they had been robbed! An elder was like "hey have you seen my camera" and another was like "all my money is gone" and the other said "They stole all my gum!" like a bunch of 11 yr olds got into the house! They hardly robbed anything and the Elders were all laughing and was like "I'm not going to sleep tonight". Honduras is sketch sometimes.

We were able to help Sadyn take out some walls in her house and dug holes for some posts for a new fence! It was a great time! It felt so cool destroying stuff. The young boy coming out. But Sadyn is seriously the best! We had an activity Sunday about missionary work and she bore her testimony with everyone about the church and helping others find the gospel I was just like open jawed... she's going to be great for Naco! Her baptism is next week so if all goes well we will have a great day Saturday!

I don't have lots of time so I'll put the other stories in next weeks letter! Have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

Wednesday Night Activity

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