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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Naco Week 2

Hey family! 

It's really weird to think that I graduated 2 years ago....insane it feels like yesterday! 
Well now it's summer... vacations on vacations! Exciting stuff!   The days are going by crazy fast! This week was interesting. EVERY single person in this area is already part of a religion  and really don't accept anything new. Normally I'm pretty calm and try to teach with love but wow this week hurt my head. People would say things that were so wrong and when taught they refuse to listen. We had about 5 straight days of this. My comp is great so we kept pushing along and we were finally able to have some good lessons! The struggle is real in the area but I just KNOW there are great people here. They wouldn't have started an extention here if they didn't think it could be a ward some day! (Elder Duff opened this area a year ago.)

Huge Catholic church next to our meeting place.
We met an awesome investigator the other day. Her name is Tita and she has 3 young kids and is married! She's really talkative and open and never says anything that makes my head hurt haha. She doesn't have a church and she loved everything we taught. She told us that she has been feeling empty and lost. After we taught the restoration she said she felt the truth of the message and that everything was so easy to understand and it all makes sense. She asked questions really wanting to know the truth and we could really feel the spirit in the lesson.

Gloria and her 2 kids
The extension is planning a trip to the temple so they are selling bread and stuff like that. But they cook it all in handmade ovens using wood. Wood is crazy expensive so they have to bring their own. We had a church activity and went the bishops house to find and cut wood. The bishop of the ward that's far away actually lives in our area! 2 hours walking but he's part of Naco and we just never see him. Well, we took a truck and filled all of us in and started working at like 7 in the morning and finished at like 1. My arms are dead! Where the bishop lives-- that whole area doesn't have electricity-- just farm land. It was great to help the ward and to see more of my area!

Food is so bland here but as long as I get fed I'm okay! We have to take a bus to Cofradia to shop for food. 

Well everything else is going good. Love my comp...he is superrrr nice and fun! I love being a missionary! Have a great week!
-Elder Sessions

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