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Monday, May 18, 2015

Naco Week 1

Hey family!

So a lot has changed....I got sent to an area called Naco! It is very different. It's in the one zone I have been dreading but I have the faith all will go well! Here we don't have ward or a branch. It's called the extension haha. We have about 25 who come to church and we don't have a bishop or president or anything. Sometimes a counselor from the Cofradia ward comes to preside. They rent a little house thats righttt next to this HUGE catholic church haha.Yesterday in church I gave a talk, blessed the sacrament and taught the elders quorum class haha (we have one 2 priests and one elder). So it's been kind of a shock out here. The area is MASSIVE. we have to walk 1 or 2 hours to some the towns in our area. It's alot of farm land and big lots with not much people. We are excited to start working and finding those prepared people.

My new comp is Elder Chancay! From Ecuador! He's got about 2 months and is really excited to work. He's really humble and nice we just got along so quick! He's a tall curly hair goofball haha. The house is pretty legit. Its big for 2 and we have running water! I was really praying for a washer machine but my luck didn't turn out. Man I'm so tired of washing clothes by hand! haha Elder Porter who came into the mission with me has had a washer machine in ALL of his areas....i just don't understand....One day Sessions... one day.

This whole week was ´family week´ so every night this week we had an activity in the church. Since this extension is so small it's like a big family. They are all good friends and it's been great to get to know them so fast. 2 days of this week we had to go to the stake center. Weird part is that we are part of the same stake as my first area in Dos Caminos! I got to see all my friends that I haven't seen for a year! You guys probably dont remember Alicia but she got baptized with Elder Duff and I, well she was there with her family who recently got baptized as well! So great to see them all active. It was wierd it felt like 2 days ago I was with them. 

I'm so glad to be a missionary. This Church is true and I love this gospel! Well this is all for now. Hopfully we can get some sweet stories this week! love you guys!
-Elder Sessions

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